New UK Govt security guidelines on internet connected devices are welcome but need to go further says Y-Cam.

Home Security company sets out to help users protect themselves and boost the uptake of the connected, protected home.

27 March 2018

Y-cam, one of the UK’s most innovative providers of home security surveillance systems has welcomed the UK government’s new guidelines to make internet-connected devices more secure but it is stressing that consumers and businesses need to remain constantly vigilant.

With the much heralded “Internet Of Things” now becoming a reality, new government research is predicting that every household in the UK now owns at least 10 internet connected devices. As more consumers take advantage of connected home technology this number is expected to increase to 15 devices by 2020.*

Devin Chawda, Managing Director of Y-Cam commenting on the government announcement said; “By 2020 there may be more than 420 million connected devices in use across the country, so these guidelines are a first step in the right direction. Easy to implement actions like unique passwords and straight forward installation and maintenance of connected devices will mean that millions of people can benefit from the incredible potential of the “Internet of Things”.

“Though we welcome the guidelines, we think there is scope to make some of these initiatives more legally binding. This new voluntary code of practice makes some constructive advice, but manufacturers are not obliged in any way to follow the code. Reckless manufacturers who cut corners and provide inadequate security procedures will considerably slow the adoption of many of the benefits of multi-device, connected living. If these guidelines are adopted into a legal framework then they will surely boost the uptake of the connected, protected home”

“As an independent manufacturer of connected devices, Y-cam treats the security of our customers’ data with the highest priority. We have a range of comprehensive security protocols which all our users benefit from including Fintech level encrypted data transmission, regular automatic security firmware updates, independent security reviews of all our platforms and highly skilled advisors. I encourage users of all different types of connected devices to refresh their security measures frequently.”



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