Red Hat People announces company name change to Global Warriors

Global Warriors new company logo
Global Warriors new company logo

Global Warriors will build upon the growing Conscious Culture Movement with new identity for 2017

6 February 2016 London, UK. Red Hat People is today announcing its new company name Global Warriors, which reflects the current demands that digitization is creating for the 21st Century leader. Global Warriors will continue to build on Red Hat People’s 6 year legacy of equipping the leaders of today to be the leaders of tomorrow, through its innovative team and leadership development “Conscious” programs and the Conscious Culture movement.

Using a coactive and systems approach Global Warriors champion a ‘learning by doing approach’ in all their three core programs which aim to enable real, sustainable change in people, teams and organisations. The holistic, global and bespoke programs are Conscious Leadership, Conscious Teams and soon to be launched in 2017 Conscious Human Being.

“Digitization has created new demand for leaders to move at an unprecedented speed and pace of change, facing the unknown with more uncertainty than ever before. Today we need a different type of leader, a Conscious leader”, said Biba Binotti, Founder of Red Hat People and Global Warriors. “The name Global Warriors better reflect our services that respond to the current leadership environment and our vision of changing the world one leader at a time. Our fundamental belief is that leading is not just attributed to a title. We are focused on finding the leader within… in everyone and everything.”

Global Warriors has a dynamic, innovative team of coaching professionals, experienced in designing bespoke programs based on the Global Warrior principles, representing over 100 years of global experience and professional qualifications.

About Global Warriors

Global Warriors Ltd vision is to change the world one leader at a time bringing heart and humanity back into the workplace, home and the world. They lead by example with their innovative team and leadership development programmes, workshops and trainings. Global Warriors has worked with many organisations, large and small, equipping 100’s of leaders of today to be the leaders of tomorrow in a world moving at an unprecedented speed and pace of change driven by digitization.
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Contact Details

Biba Binotti
Global Warriors
t: +44 1425 650 340
m: +44 7786 778 583

Press Enquiries: Alison Stokes
Manifest Consulting
+44 7796 937465