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Speedy Services are today launching a new app to help workers access the Speedy catalogue from their mobile phones, even when they’re on site, to help get things done quicker.

Since apps can be used on the go, in-between jobs and with less distraction than when using a desktop computer, the new catalogue app aims to help people get what they need faster, and move on to the tasks in hand.

To find out whether apps help people save time, Speedy Services surveyed 2,000 people in the UK asking how much time they save with apps.

- 53.5% say apps help them save time
- On average, over 2 hours are saved each week due to apps’ ability to help get things done
- 1 in 10 people say they save over 5 hours a week, thanks to apps
- Millennials save more time with apps, with 62.4% of 18-24 year olds saying they save time
- This compares to over...

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