From Biomass to Green Power: Bel Trading & Consulting Ltd's Thai Projects

bel trading and consulting ltd
bel trading and consulting ltd

Bel Trading & Consulting Ltd's plans to produce green electricity from bio-waste and biomass are being expanded into new projects in the Kingdom of Thailand. Currently, a joint renewable fuel biomass power plant project is in its final stages of construction in Chainat province. Biomass is a renewable organic material produced by plants and animals. The project employs circular economy principles, reducing waste generation and promoting waste utilization.

In recent years, Southeast Asia's renewable energy sector has seen consistent investments from numerous international investors. The region is witnessing an increasing number of wind farms and solar panels, along with the construction of industrial thermal and power plants utilizing biomass bio-waste, which arises from the processing activities at local enterprises. The share of energy production from biomass in the total "green" energy production in EU countries varies from 15% (Malta) to about 90% (Czech Republic, Hungary, Latvia) and even 100% (Estonia), with an average of 64% for the EU. Interestingly, approximately 75% of the energy produced from biomass is used for heating, 13% for electricity, and 12% as fuel for transport. In 2023, energy produced from biomass accounted for over 5% of the total energy consumption in the USA.

Bel Trading & Consulting Ltd has extensive experience in designing and constructing various industrial power plants based on renewable energy sources. The company has now invested in and acquired a stake in the local company Bio Green Energy 5 Co Ltd. This project in Chainat province is launching a biomass-powered power station with a capacity of about 1 MW. Biomass is typically produced from low-quality wood or shrubbery not suitable for the woodworking or paper industry, utilizing waste from the local woodworking industry. The utilization of such biomass for electricity or heat generation serves ecological purposes of preserving the environment.

Bel Trading & Consulting Ltd feels a responsibility beyond merely producing renewable electricity. We aim to ensure a cleaner environment and help reduce global emissions. We believe that through careful planning, the impact of new renewable energy development projects on the environment and communities can be minimal and integrated into their habitats. We evaluate the potential impacts of each project on the environment and people when launching new renewable energy development projects, as well as how they might affect communities.

In its construction of energy facilities, Bel Trading & Consulting Ltd adheres to an environmental policy that sets clear boundaries. We avoid excessive pollution of the environment and minimize the impact of business activities on the surrounding environment. We follow environmental principles that respect the environment and consider environmental issues systematically and with a long-term perspective. Additionally, a policy of economical and efficient use of generated energy from renewable sources is implemented. We also assist clients in planning and implementing a green transition, offering a full range of energy solutions. We believe that electrification and the shift to renewable energy sources are the fastest paths to carbon neutrality.