National Feet Week logo
National Feet Week logo

This week (9th -15th March) marks National Feet Week and podiatrists from across the UK are urging people to prioritise their foot health as they would a dental or an eye appointment.

Podiatrists have shared some of the craziest and cringeworthy 'treatments' their patients have done to their feet rather than simply visiting a professional.

Tony Gavin, CEO at osgo Healthcare, the UK membership organisation of podiatrists comments:

‘There is not much that will shock a podiatrist but we have seen some sights and most definitely conditions that could have been treated easily and effectively if they had come to us in the first place. People shouldn’t be embarrassed about having their feet checked as their health is essential for our overall wellbeing. You wouldn’t put up with a toothache or an infected eye, so why suffer in silence with often painful feet issues?’

Here are just some of the toe-curling snippets from UK Podiatrists:

‘I had a guy who had sat and removed his big toe nail using a Stanley knife and pliers the night before, in front of horrified friends.’

‘One lady took her shoes off and they were really odd colour and a somewhat familiar smell... she flushed with embarrassment, "my daughter told me that vinegar softens hard skin... I only had balsamic"

‘Once had a lady with very expensive lovely slip on shoes on. She popped up into the couch I bent down to pick up the shoes...she had a sanitary pad in one shoe and a panty pad in the other - she said she’d sweaty feet and didn’t want to ruin the shoes.’

‘I was once faced with the trauma caused by a Black and Decker Mouse used to ‘sand down’ heels.'

‘Desperate patient... after trying all the usual self-help disasters to treat his painful corn, like Stanley knife, sandpaper, grinder... this chap confessed to being so desperate he turned to his welding gun. Never heard the like before or since! It didn’t work out very well.’

‘Patient who came in for her annual diabetes check and told me (as though it was the most normal thing in the world) that her hubby bit her toenails for her!’

‘Using a potato peeler to remove a heavy callus... Still used it for peeling veg too.’

‘One patient lined his shoes with bacon rashers, he said it softened the skin and another one did the same thing with banana skins.’

‘Cutting toe nails with a bread knife!!’

A podiatrist is an expert in foot health and the best person to turn to when experiencing fungal nail infections, corns, heel pain and hard skin or indeed any other symptoms relating to the feet. Most conditions can all be routinely treated giving feet a new lease of life and avoiding pain and discomfort from reoccurring. It is not to be underestimated how heavenly healthy feet can feel with a bit of extra tender loving care.

For more information about common foot ailments and how a podiatrist can help, visit www.podsfixfeet.co.uk. Visit www.nationalfeetweek.org


For further information, please contact: Lianne Bertelli, T: 07739 023 756 E: lianne@bertellicommunications.co.uk

Notes to Editors
- Tony Gavin available for interview
- Imagery can also be obtained on request
- Case Studies can also be provided

About OSGO:
- OSGO is a podiatry membership organisation, created for private podiatry practitioners. OSGO provides, support and information for podiatry practices nationwide.
Websites: https://www.osgo.co.uk/