Global Survey Finds Cloud Foundry Application Runtime Cuts Development Cycles, Improves Flexibility and Saves Money

The Cloud Foundry Foundation, home of the industry-standard platform for cloud applications, released its first semi-annual User Survey whose findings show Cloud Foundry Application Runtime usage among developers grew across industries and across the globe — especially at large organizations. Respondents also noted that Cloud Foundry Application Runtime increased developer productivity by 3X, by cutting time needed for development cycles, also improving flexibility and saving money.

“{{Cloud Foundry Application Runtime is the game changer developers were waiting for — it makes it easier to create and continuously deploy applications}},” said Abby Kearns, Executive Director, Cloud Foundry Foundation. “Giving developers an easy-to-use runtime provides them the control and flexibility to use the tools they want to build effortlessly, and ultimately saves their employer money.”

Cloud Foundry Application Runtime is a mature and growing cloud application platform used by large enterprises to develop and deploy cloud-native applications, saving them significant amounts of time and resources. Enterprises benefit from the consistency of Cloud Foundry Application Runtime across a variety of distributions of the platform, thanks to a certified provider program.

Key findings of the survey include:

Freedom and Flexibility: Cloud Foundry Application Runtime is a developer-centric platform, with 43 percent of survey user respondents identifying as a developer or having a devops role. It is also closely associated with container usage, with half of Cloud Foundry users currently using containers, such as Docker or rkt, with another 35 percent evaluating or deploying containers.
Velocity and Productivity: Application development cycles go from weeks or months to hours and days. The percentage of user respondents who require over three months per app drops from 51 percent to 18 percent after deploying Cloud Foundry Application Runtime, while the percentage of user respondents who require less than a week climbs from 16 percent to 46 percent once Cloud Foundry Application Runtime was deployed.
Maturity and Proliferation: Interest in Cloud Foundry Application Runtime continues to grow, even as existing deployments broaden within companies. Nearly half (45 percent) of Cloud Foundry Application Runtime users have only started with the platform this year; more than half (51 percent) have more than 10 developers on Cloud Foundry Application Runtime, including 28 percent with more than 50 developers on Cloud Foundry Application Runtime.
Economy: Enterprise users ($1+ billion in annual revenue) report saving millions of dollars on average per application development cycle.
Diversity: Cloud Foundry Application Runtime is deployed broadly across industries, including IT (47 percent) and financial services (19 percent).
Scalability: Nearly half (49 percent) of Cloud Foundry Application Runtime users are large enterprises ($1+ billion annual revenue).
Universality: Cloud Foundry Application Runtime is used globally, with just over half its users in North America (53 percent).

The Cloud Foundry User Survey is the first in a series of semi-annual surveys conducted and produced by ClearPath Strategies, a strategic consulting and research firm for the world’s leaders and progressive forces. User respondents were invited to take the survey from a variety of sources, including Cloud Foundry Foundation emails, social media and direct member communications. A total of 735 respondents completed the survey from 8/1/17-8/21/17.

To receive a copy of the survey go here.

About Cloud Foundry Foundation
The Cloud Foundry Foundation is an independent non-profit organization formed to sustain the development, promotion and adoption of Cloud Foundry as the industry standard platform for cloud applications. Cloud Foundry makes it faster and easier to build, test, deploy and scale applications. Cloud Foundry is hosted by The Linux Foundation and is an Apache 2.0 licensed project available on Github: To learn more, visit:


Martha de Monclin
Bijou PR for Cloud Foundry Foundation
T: +44 (0)777 168 2434