British Asparagus Team Encourages the EU to Go Green with Cross-Channel Mission

Gus The Asparagus Man Off to EU
Gus The Asparagus Man Off to EU

Vale of Evesham asparagus is on a mission to the EU next week to encourage its European neighbours to go green as part of the celebrations for this year’s

{{MEP Anthea McIntyre will host a visit by growers, retailers and restaurateurs as well as St. George and Gus the Asparagus Man to the EU Parliament}}. The delegation from Worcestershire, dressed head-to-toe in green, will set off from the historic Fleece Inn at Bretforton on Monday 24th at 11am with a giant round of freshly-cut "gras", courtesy of Revill’s Farm Shop at Defford. Asparagus from the Vale of Evesham is considered by many to be the finest in the world thanks to its unbeatable quality, colour and flavour.

Commenting on the visit, Anthea McIntyre said:

"If you love fresh asparagus, this is some of the most delicious you can get. This is our chance to shout about it to Europe and the world."

The trip will also act as a "thank you" for the granting of EU Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) status to Vale of Evesham Asparagus earlier this year.

The green team will be greeted outside the EU Parliament on Tuesday April 25th by Miss McIntyre, Conservative MEP for the West Midlands, before a lunch with other MEPs hosted in their honour.

Making the trip will be Angela Tidmarsh, tourism officer for Wychavon and the mastermind behind the British Asparagus Festival. Adding her thoughts on the event, she said:

“Britain may be going to the polls in June, but in April and May, the only way to go is green with Vale of Evesham asparagus. We’re delighted to be visiting Brussels to thank them for their vote of confidence in Vale of Evesham asparagus”.


For further information, please call Sara Stewart on 01684 893347 or email or Angela Tidmarsh 07967 640819