Nordic markets positioning as European Data Hub with massive renewable power resources

Nordic Report
Nordic Report

London – September 29 2016 - New research from BroadGroup suggests that the Nordic markets are positioning as a giant European Data Hub based on the abundance of green power available supported by low energy taxation, increased connectivity and a stable economic environment.

In the new report, Datacenter Nordics II, the research consultancy reviewed current data center developments revealing a changing picture over the past twelve months and suggests that m2 space across the region will increase by more than 34% by the end of this year. Available power – all based on renewable resources – will increase by a similar level across the period.

Norway in particular promises several very large scale developments, one of which includes potential access to 2.2 GW of power, although the country still requires more investment in international connectivity to take a competitive lead. Data Center facilities in the Nordic Region are able to make use of the low average temperatures to provide external “free” cooling.

Users are also attracted by the capability to provision a typical request for 1 MW of power in a matter of days – where “power rich” regions such as Iceland, Norway and the Node Pole region of Sweden - have an abundance of power which can be made available quickly.

Sweden remains the largest market in installed capacity with more than 35% of m2 space, but new build in Norway will challenge this position in the coming years.

The presence of webscales in the region has also highlighted the opportunity for international enterprises to collocate or invest in the build of new infrastructure.

The report found that Data centers are responding to the perceived international hub opportunity and assembling a mix of credentials including proven low-PUE, internationally recognized certification, data protection compliance, an expanded cloud services portfolio and increased connectivity.

“Collectively the Nordic region is presenting a strong argument to enterprise end users for lower costs, carbon neutral performance, and high service value locations,” commented Philip Low of BroadGroup.

Datacenter Nordics II is the second annual report from BroadGroup covering 6 markets in the region: Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Denmark and Estonia.

Many of the topics covered in the report will be discussed at Datacloud Nordic which takes place in Stockholm October 20th.

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