Padworth College Celebrates Individuality and Embrace Global Citizenship

Reading, 25th August 2016 - Year 11 students at Padworth College are to be congratulated on their excellent GCSE results which secured 100% pass rate. For the second year running there has been an improvement in attainment, with 73% of entries graded A*-C and well over half the grades awarded at A*-B.

There were some very strong individual performances from students, most notably, local day student, Alex Storey, who notched up 7 A*s and 1 A. the school’s secret lies in its education philosophy which aims to inspire individual uniqueness and encourage personal talents through a highly differentiated learning approach in small classes. Our students embrace the mind-set of global citizenship which creates an enormously enriching atmosphere of mutual support.

John Aguilar, Principle, commented: “I am delighted for our students; they have worked extremely hard to achieve thee fabulous results which now set them up to face the challenges of A Levels with confidence. I am very grateful to our teachers for their commitment and excellent teaching throughout, ensuring that the best interests of their students remain at the core of their work.”

Join us to pursue your uniqueness and leave us inspiring the world!

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Notes to Editors
About Padworth College:
Since 1963, when the College was founded by Oxford University tutor, Peter Fison, it has been true to its aim of bringing an informal tutorial atmosphere to school-level education, where individual talents are encouraged and all are respected and valued. Today at Padworth you will find that same atmosphere of care and mutual support, where the education of the whole person is of great significance. At Padworth, we are proud of our small, supportive classes, individual attention and flexible boarding/day arrangements, underpinned by exceptional pastoral care.

Media contact:
Paula Elliott
C8 Consulting
0118 949 7736