Vortex 6 releases a game changing tool for managing compliance with vendor partner programs

V6Fusion helps Microsoft, Cisco, HP, Oracle, VMware and Juniper Channel Partners plan, monitor and manage vendor compliance programs quicker, easier and at less cost

Berkshire, UK, 9th September 2016 – Software developer Vortex 6 today announced a multi-vendor version of its award winning V6Fusion software. It is the world’s first multi-vendor compliance management software solution. The new release adds Microsoft, HP, VMware and Oracle to the existing Cisco and Juniper compliance management programs. Vortex 6 is also planning to add more vendors towards the end of the year.

V6Fusion is an easy to use, intelligent planning tool that is proven to help businesses minimise risk, save time and reduce costs. The real time compliance management tool allows Channel Partners to forward plan, monitor and analyse compliance status across multiple vendors at the touch of a button. V6Fusion also facilitates easy “what if” modelling to show Partners what’s to be done and the cost of becoming specialised in a new technology.

Available as cloud based software it contains executive dashboards, powerful planning capabilities, budgeting, management reporting and business modelling tools. The secure and intuitive dashboards show real time partner status supported with key analytical data. Features include early warning indicators that highlight areas requiring attention and provide alerts for expiring certifications. Partners benefit as they can proactively plan and manage vendor relationships.


Peter Olive, CEO at Vortex 6 commented “Following the success of V6Fusion with Cisco and Juniper we have continued investing into ‘dynamic architecture’ which allows new vendors to be added quickly and easily. For the first time, channel partners can now proactively manage compliance for multiple vendor programs in one place, with powerful dashboards showing real time status across all vendors.”

“V6Fusion is a not a static dashboard. It is a true dynamic planning and management system. This ‘industry first’ automates what’s historically been a lengthy and laborious manual process. Our success with so many large Channel Partners confirms V6Fusion will significantly reduce the time and frustration associated with managing their partner status for different vendors. Channel Partners can now enjoy up to the minute, concise data management and reporting for forecast and budget analysis at the touch of a button.”

V6Fusion also provides detailed reports on certification at a company, department or individual level to ensure Partners maintain any required certifications.

V6Fusion is seamlessly updated every time a vendor’s compliance programs change. For Partners with international operations, V6Fusion supports multiple locations which are essential in calculating theatre wide compliance and certification requirements. The system also allows a comprehensive view of your capabilities across all vendors and automates the development of training plans.

For further information on V6Fusion or Vortex 6 please contact V6Fusion@vortex6.com


Editor’s Notes

About Vortex 6
Vortex 6 is an experienced IT solutions specialist working closely with major vendors. Founded in 2009 and spearheaded by the most experienced team of experts in the industry, Vortex 6 provides best practice to a direct customer and reseller client base. The company provides leading edge software tools and in-depth, cost effective training solutions ensuring its customers achieve the maximum return from their investment in technology. Vortex 6 brings huge value to its client base through innovative approaches to driving profitability

Media Contact:

Paula Elliott
Email: paula@c8consulting.co.uk
Number: 01189 497736