Sheryl Sandberg Highlights StitcherAds During Earnings Call

Chief Operating Officer at Facebook Inc. talks about how the company is making great inroads into the travel sector thanks to StitcherAds

Dublin, Ireland, 9th November 2016 – StitcherAds, a leader in cross channel software and services for performance advertising, is proud to announce that it was ‘called out’ during Facebook’s last earnings call as a key Facebook Marketing Partner helping the company to further penetrate the travel sector, a sector that Facebook has historically found hard to break into.

On the earnings call, which took place on Thursday 4th November, Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg talked about Facebook’s strong growth in key verticals such as e-commerce, CPG, retail and entertainment media. Sandberg also said however that historically it had taken the company a longer time to break into particular markets such as travel and auto manufacturers, but that Facebook is now seeing good traction.

In particular Sandberg revealed that Facebook has been investing heavily in travel and it has been rolling out different types of products such as Dynamic Ads, a dynamic and targeted ad generator specifically focused on the travel vertical, with the help of StitcherAds.

Sandberg highlighted one particular customer, Celebrity Cruises, which has been using StitcherAds Dynamic Travel Ads on both Facebook and Instagram to increase its online bookings.

Celebrity Cruises worked with StitcherAds to identify and target audiences who viewed specific itineraries by date. Unlike its previous brand-focused campaigns, Celebrity Cruises wanted to efficiently reach its audience with advanced customised ads. Working with StitcherAds its aim was to encourage people to book a trip on the Celebrity Cruises website and increase paid and held bookings. In March 2016 the company launched an always-on campaign using Dynamic Ads to reach people with the most relevant cruise offering based on their previous website activity.

Celebrity Cruises placed a Facebook pixel on its website to build Custom Audiences of people who had viewed specific itineraries, and further segmented this audience by the date they last visited the website. The brand then created a product feed containing available cruises, pricing and related images, which was used to build Dynamic Ads. These retargeted ads appeared in the desktop and mobile News Feed. Dynamic Ads pulled pictures and copy from the product feed and featured enticing messaging unique to the cruise itineraries people had already viewed online.

As a result Celebrity Cruises witnessed a three times increase in its online bookings and a two times increase in total revenue with these Dynamic Ads than with non-branded keywords in paid search. Sandberg commented: “I think these kind of results are made possible by more vertical-specific products, and we're going to continue to invest more here.”

StitcherAds has a platform designed specifically for Dynamic Travel Ads that increases conversion rates and lowers advertising costs. StitcherAds Dyanmic Travel Ads maximises the effectiveness of ads by making them highly targeted, automated and personalised to increase ad performance. As a result StitcherAds enables travel advertisers to rapidly create Dynamic Ads that drive customer acquisition and achieve greater ROI.

Declan Kennedy, CEO, StitcherAds comments: “We are delighted to be called out like this by Facebook. Right now our platform and our products are making it easier for travel companies like
Celebrity Cruises to use Facebook to get the right advert in front of the right person at the right time to drive up customer acquisition, particularly on mobile and tablets, which we see more and more as the device of choice for consumers.”


About StitcherAds

Founded in 2009, StitcherAds provides marketers with the tools they need to scale their business quickly. StitcherAds does this by helping its clients find their customers where they spend time, i.e. on social media and mobile devices. StitcherAds is purely focused on driving performance across Facebook, Instagram, Facebook Audience Network, Twitter and Twitter Audience platform. StitcherAds provides innovative and easy to use software to harness the identity based targeting capabilities of these networks which is why it is an Alpha and Beta partner to Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. StitcherAds was one of the first Facebook Marketing Partners to launch Dynamic Ads and Dynamic Ads for travel. The company has raised $6.5m in VC funding from investors including Investec Ventures Ireland, Delta Partners, Irrus Investments, Enterprise Ireland and former Facebook executives Mike Murphy and Tom Arrix. StitcherAds’ other clients include, JW Marriott, TripAdvisor, Virgin Atlantic, Hyatt, eBookers and many more. For more information about StitcherAds please go to

Media Contact:
Paula Elliott
C8 Consulting Ltd
+44 118 9497736