Arkivum joins the DPC’s New Commercial Supporter Programme

LONDON – 1st February 2017 – Just one week after the Digital Preservation Coalition launched its new Commercial Supporter programme, Arkivum have announced their commitment to creating long-term meaningful relationships between DPC members and commercial solution providers by becoming the latest organisation to join the scheme.

The new Commercial Supporter Programme is good news for vendors, who already contribute much needed perspectives into the DPC’s discussions on an ad hoc basis; and for members by enabling much greater insight into their needs and requirements. The DPC’s Board recognises the need for an environment where solution providers and members can collaborate and learn from each other, whilst protecting the independence gained from a widely-understood vendor neutrality.

“We are delighted that Arkivum are supporting the digital preservation community in this way,” says Chair of the DPC and Deputy Keeper of the Records of Scotland, Laura Mitchell. “Commercial supporters offer an important additional resource which we can use in practical ways to build a community of highly skilled and networked digital preservation practitioners. It comes at a time when training and travel budgets are under a lot of pressure. So it is very encouraging to see that our vision is shared by the vendors.”

Funds raised by Commercial Support will be used in first instance to support grants to members for training and staff development as well as the Annual Student conference, to subsidise training workshops or to sponsor DPC membership for charities and not-for-profits.

Any commercial organisation may apply for Supporter status and in return will be invited to participate in and extend the activities of the Coalition, with full acknowledgement of their support provided on the DPC website and in relevant publications. Commercial Supporters also have early access to draft outlines of DPC Technology Watch Reports and other published output, an invitation to an annual trade fare and horizon scanning meeting with DPC members, as well as the opportunity to showcase products and services through webinars and relevant briefing days.

“We have worked alongside the DPC for many years,” explains Arkivum’s Chief Technology Officer Matthew Addis, “so we are very pleased to find a way to formalise what is already a very positive relationship. We look forward to deepening our engagement with the digital preservation community, especially as the need for long-term safeguarding solutions expands in scope to new industry sectors.”

About Arkivum

Arkivum delivers data safeguarding solutions to a growing number of industry verticals, from life sciences and healthcare to financial services, education and digital heritage. Arkivum is ISO 27001 certified (UKAS), meaning that users benefit from an end-to-end solution that adheres to the highest quality standards and processes. Learn more about Arkivum by visiting or emailing