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‘DALEY’ the autobiography of Britain’s Greatest Olympian published

Cover of DALEY published by Chiselbury

the greatest Olympian Britain has ever produced

Chiselbury, the independent publisher, is pleased to announce the publication of DALEY, the long-awaited autobiography of the life of double Olympic decathlon champion, Daley Thompson. It includes a foreword by Lord Sebastian Coe, who describes Daley as the greatest Olympian Britain has ever produced.

Wearing his heart on his sleeve, he chronicles his legendary sporting achievements, but, for the first time, also reveals the personal struggles he faced to rise from the humblest of beginnings to become the ultimate Olympic Superstar, who then had to reconcile what he had become with his own humanity as a son and as a father.

At his sporting peak, Daley was a charismatic, uncompromising, anti-establishment superhero. That was the public persona the nation loved, and which inspired a generation of Britons to realise that a young Black man could be our hero. But the introvert Daley didn’t want to be ‘famous’ for anything other than his sporting achievements. He was, and remains, the antithesis of today’s social media obsessed ‘celebrity’. For him, the pure Olympian, it was only ever about the sport and the winning. Much as Daley may be cast as ‘unrelenting, invincible for ten years’, his sporting supremacy was a product of his singular willpower and courage. He is an invention of his own making, inherently human and born of an Olympian ideal that we all admire, yet with all the same flaws and frailties as the rest of us.

Now, for the first time, he tells his story, no punches pulled.

‘DALEY’ is available for purchase in hardback here, from all good bookshops (ISBN: 978-1-916556-48-5) and from Amazon. It is also available in all major epub formats, including as a Kindle edition from Amazon (ISBN: 978-1-916556-49-2). If you would like a review copy please email

In this Olympic year, Chiselbury also published in April ‘By the Way’ by former Director General of the International Olympic Committee, François Carrard, which gives a first hand account of the way that the world of international sport has changed beyond all recognition over the past few decades.


For more information contact: Stuart Leasor, Chiselbury
07703 537721

About Chiselbury
Chiselbury Publishing was originally established as James Leasor Publishing in 2011 to make the works of James Leasor, one of the bestselling and most prolific British authors of the second half of the 20th Century, available to new and old readers. With a growing list of authors it now has nearly 100 titles available, covering a wide range of genres from biographies and history, to thrillers and poetry. More information can be found at Chiselbury Publishing.