Disruptive Tech TV, part of Compare the Cloud, are currently accepting applicants from Disruptive UK technology companies and startups to pitch their businesses in the forthcoming episodes of its new monthly show filming Nov, Dec and Jan in Central London, Disruptive Pitch.
Having aired the first episode online in October with over 12,000 viewers, the show will continue to be released once a month for the next six months. Each episode will put ten 3 minute pitches up against four expert judges looking for the next UK disruptive technology. The finalists from each round will then present for the final show and battle it out to become the One Pitch.
“There is a trend that many pioneering companies and startups struggle when trying to create exposure for their businesses.” said Andrew McLean, producer of Disruptive Pitch. “we launched Disruptive Pitch to shed light and support disruptive technology organisations as they emerge. The program provides...