Saving Women from Nature
Christian Dior once said " My dream is to save women from nature. “ This is exactly what Manchester based entrepreneur Jane Hallam is doing with her innovative range of clothing Esteem - No Pause.
The initial inspiration to launch a nightwear brand for menopausal women came from a desire to find a stylish and effective clothing solution to the discomfort of nightsweats, which affect 75% of menopausal women. The result is a highly versatile collection of clothing with appeal to a wide range of customers, including menopausal women, with garments that are suitable for lingerie, exercising, lounging, travel and sleeping. All tops have hidden bra shelves and adjustable straps which assist with both fit and comfort.
In her search for suitable clothing Jane became increasingly disheartened with the ranges currently available both in design and fabric and kept asking herself would Liz Hurley wear that in bed? The...