Every B2B Event Professional's Dream…

UpD8r 3.0 and Salesforce Integration
UpD8r 3.0 and Salesforce Integration

Increase Event ROI by Tracking Leads and Event Activity Directly in Salesforce with UpD8r 3.0

London, UK, June 10, 2016 - London based, event technology experts Excelerated Apps have announced the release of their latest integration with Salesforce. As an added extension to their well-established existing platform, the Salesforce integration functionality enables event professionals to track each attendee’s event activity directly in Salesforce.

The integration, is a “two click” process and provides your sales team with real-time insights into what attendees are doing at your event. This process captures the relevant data to create highly personalised and timely follow-ups.

It’s no longer necessary to sift through spreadsheets and business cards trying to remember which opportunity came from which event. Using this technology, leads can be recorded with a simple tap of a RFID badge, while allowing the power of Salesforce to do what it does best.

Commenting on the release, managing director Richard Smith said: “Creating a B2B focused solution has always been part of our vision. Giving event professionals the ability to feed event data directly to their sales team, all in real time – is very exciting. We can’t wait to see how customers utilize it!”

We will be discussing and demonstrating the integration in more detail in our live webinar: Register Here.

For more information or to book a free demo visit our new website here or call us on +44 (0) 333 444 1310 - We’re always happy to help!


For further information please contact:
Daniel Walsh

Email – daniel.walsh@exceleratedapps.com

Company Information
Excelerated Apps is an award winning RFID event solutions provider for live events and brand experience agencies. The company was founded in 2011 by Richard Smith and Ramesh Varsani, with the aim to revolutionize the live events industry by helping brands, venues and events put personalised, digital and social experiences at the heart of their real-world spaces. Over recent years Excelerated Apps has developed its offering adding a multitude of functionalities and has deployed an extensive amount of solutions for events and agencies alike.

Website – www.exceleratedapps.com
Twitter - @exceleratedapps
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