Esteemed British Actor and acclaimed Film Producer Mem Ferda takes a profound step into the literary world by releasing his first poetry anthology, HAPPYAGONY – A Collection of Poems by Mem Ferda.
Known for his captivating performances in films like Pusher, Revolver and The Devil's Double, Ferda now channels his artistic expression into a new medium, unveiling a collection that explores the essence of human experience with unfiltered emotion and insights.
Drawing from a tumultuous life filled with dramatic extremes, Ferda’s poetry touches on universal themes such as youth, love, grief, society, and wealth. The anthology emerged from Ferda's recovery journey after a life-altering accident in 2023, offering readers a window into his profound reflections and emotions.
HAPPYAGONY promises to engage readers with its range of feelings, from raw and gritty to inspiring and vivid, reflecting the intensity of the actor’s experiences. The collection comprises fifty...