Nearly one in six Brits have considered leaving their partner – due to their SNORING, according to a new survey.
In light of this year’s National Stop Snoring week, Breathe Right undertook a nationwide survey of couples in the UK.
They found as many as 78% have a partner who snores , while a further 14% claiming they are completely sleep deprived because of it .
According to the survey, one in eighteen couples argue all the time over snoring3, with six in ten snorers denying they have a problem . In fact, a frustrated 28% of partners have resorted to recording their partner sleeping, to PROVE how bad the problem is .
Over half of those polled (51%) claimed that losing some weight may solve their partner’s snoring .
About two-thirds of the females polled blamed drink, claiming their partner’s snoring was worse when they had been drinking, compared to just over half of men (52%) who said their partner’s snoring got worse after a night drinking .
The poll conducted by Breathe Right on 1,500 adults in relationships, found a third of couples often feel at their wits end due to a lack of sleep and as many as 28% have found to be less attracted to their other half because of it .
Unsurprisingly then, those who had a partner who snored said they sleep in separate rooms as many as three times a month in order to get a good night’s sleep .
More than one in twenty (6.7%) feel they are becoming depressed, while a similar number (6%) say their relationship is really suffering as a result of their partner’s snoring . A further 27% say their partner’s snoring drives them crazy11.
According to the survey, the most common way to stop a loved one from snoring in the night is to give them a nudge (53%), however a gentler 28% try to gently turn their partner over on to their side .
But 19% tend to admit defeat and trundle off to the spare room or sofa, while about one in twenty slept in the same room as their child in order to get some shut eye .
Not surprisingly then, a third said their relationship would improve if their partner stopped snoring .
A spokesperson for Breathe Right said: “As the survey has shown, snoring is an issue for us Brits when it comes to relationships – as well as getting a good night’s sleep.
“Particularly interesting in the survey, was that despite the issues that snoring causes, more than three quarters of Brits have never tried to give their partner a stop snoring device . Breathe Right Nasal Strips could help as they open the nose and allow easier breathing to help reduce snoring.”
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