Rise of the Spousal Hackers
People planning to get divorced should change their email addresses as soon as they have separated in order to prevent spouses hacking into their account and finding information which can be used against them which in light of Anthea Turner's revelations are even more apt now.
Nicola McInnes, head of family law at Gorvins Solicitors has issued a warning about the rise of the so-called spousal hackers, after an increasing number of clients have complained that their divorcing partner has broken into their email accounts and social media sites such as Facebook.
Says Nicola: “ It`s critical for anyone planning a divorce to change their email address and change all their social media passwords to stop their warring partner having access to sensitive information which could give them an advantage during divorce proceedings.”
“We`ve found that hacking spouses are particularly keen to find any emails we may have sent which contain advice as to our client’s entitlement or because they believe their divorcing spouse is hiding income or assets. I had one case when we felt the husband was always a step ahead and my client was convinced that he had read emails we had exchanged"
“Facebook profiles are also targeted because they may contain information that can be referred to in court papers. Some clients have told me that their exes have even threatened to disclose the private photographs they`ve found on social media accounts as a way of getting what they want.”
Almost one in five (18%) couples in the UK argue regularly or consider separating, a study suggests.
Under the 1990 Computer Misuse Act, breaking into or "hacking" someone else's email account can lead to criminal charges and if proven someone could face a two year prison sentence– even if it was a prank. Yet it has increased exponentially since the inception of the internet.
Added Nicola: “ People are understandably resistant to or resentful of being forced into changing passwords and email accounts. Unfortunately the alternative is being placed in a vulnerable position at an already distressing time.”
For more information please contact Head of Marketing, Paul Longmire on 0161 930 5278 or paul.longmire@gorvins.com