NEW: The Regenerative Beauty Clinic is proud to launch its range of natural and less invasive beauty and anti-ageing treatments. Based on Harley Street The Regenerative Beauty clinic will combine new innovations in regenerative medicine providing experienced Plastic Surgeons with a more natural approach to medical beauty enhancements and regenerative treatments.

The Regenerative Beauty Clinic is the sister practice to orthopaedic specialists, The Regenerative Clinic, headed by Professor Adrian Wilson who is pioneering therapy for healing, pain relief and the rejuvenation of joints to restore mobility.

The Regenerative Beauty Clinic offers Lipogems® technology to harness the inherent rejuvenating properties of your own fat cells. Fat contains lots of juicy blood vessels and natural repair cells (adipose pre-cursor stem cells). The adipose pre-cursor stem cells are extracted from your own fat, prepared using the Lipogems® technology and injected directly into the affected area. These prepared cells trigger a natural healing response within the body where they detect injury and attach themselves to damage.

When used in beauty procedure Lipogems restores vitality to look naturally younger filling out areas of hollow. Lipogems also has a significant positive impact on the quality of skin.

Mr Miles Banwell, Consultant Plastic Surgeon, The Regenerative Beauty Clinic said; “While we have been using fat injections for a long time our ability to refine quality and improve using Lipogems is fantastic. The rejuvenating effect on the skin itself is quite remarkable, while the overall naturalistic youthful look gives people their best self or a younger looking version of themselves. It is very exciting to be taking this treatment forward here in the UK.”

Regenerative medicine relies on the body’s capacity to repair damaged cells. It involves stimulating new cells to grow while, at the same time, helping damaged cells repair themselves. There is a growing trend with the increasing understanding of the power of adipose tissue to harness natural procedures anchored on the body’s inherent capacity to heal itself.

Lipogems (adipose tissue) can be used to treat scars, lines and wrinkles, refreshing ageing skin and to perform a non-surgical facelift. It is perfect for people who are interested in having a minimally invasive procedure as an alternative to surgery. Or, who are looking for a lasting treatment which is a natural enhancement.

Lipogems® adipose tissue therapy when used as an aesthetic treatment creates more natural looking results than treatments such as Botox and dermal fillers. The body usually re-accepts its own cells without any side effects. The treatment can help to fill in fine lines and repair the skin, which is damaged due to age and sun exposure.

Professor Adrian Wilson, a leading global expert in orthopaedic surgery, and the foremost pioneer of Lipogems® leads the team. He says; “I have seen the remarkable potential of this treatment first hand. This is a new-to-the-UK procedure with potentially incredible results for patients. It is very exciting to be at the forefront of applying this new therapy but the real satisfaction comes in giving people back the joints that they used to have. We have several patients with orthopaedic issues who have taken the opportunity to combine a beauty treatment at the same time.”

The day case procedure takes around between two to three hours. These pre-cursor stem cells have a pro-antibiotic effect that reduces pain and infection. The great thing about this treatment is that you can resume normal activities almost immediately with patients reporting they have been out the evening after their treatment.

The Regenerative Beauty Clinic offers a broad range of regenerative treatments and finds solutions to rejuvenate themselves and reveal a younger version of themselves.

Lipogems® adipose tissue therapy is when small amounts of fatty (adipose) tissue are taken from areas of the body, such as the stomach or thighs. Using a special process, cells are extracted from this tissue and injected into areas of your body that have become damaged through wear and tear, injury, or disease. Adipose tissue therapy can also be used as an additional treatment alongside other orthopaedic procedures to help with bone and tissue healing.

• Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment has successfully been used by athletes to heal sports injuries, it is becoming a preferred treatment option by many to rejuvenate the skin and reduce wrinkles, scars, and sun burns. Blood plasma which is rich in platelets, whereas being concentrated means the blood used has been obtained from the patient’s own body. This treatment has growth factors that fuel the healing of soft tissue (a tissue that supports and connects other body organs and structures).

• Vaginal rejuvenation may be achieved using Stem Cell Therapy. In order to perform stem cell vaginal rejuvenation, your surgeon will harvest your own fat to rejuvenate and add volume where required. A stem cell vaginoplasty or vaginal rejuvenation can lead to both an improved intimate experience and enhanced self-confidence.

For further information, hi res images, interviews with Professor Adrian Wilson and case studies please contact Helen Trevorrow or Vicky Hague at Green Row on 0794 000 9138 or email