Overseas Property Hunters and Owners Set To Vote Remain

- Latest research in the run up to the Referendum shows a 25% lead to Remain with overseas property owners
- 84% of overseas property investors don’t have a strong understanding of how a Brexit would affect them

London, 20th June 2016

New research undertaken with overseas property hunters and owners just days before the referendum shows a 25% lead for the Remain campaign. The research based on 1,900 UK overseas property hunters and owners showed 56% are planning to vote to remain in the EU, 31% voting to leave with 13% still undecided.

The results, undertaken by leading overseas property website APlaceintheSun.com, also found that even at this late stage 84% of property hunters and owners did not have a strong understanding of how a Brexit might affect their overseas property investment.

Andy Bridge, Managing Director of A Place in the Sun said “{{We were expecting the result to be in favour of Remain amongst a group of people looking to buy an overseas property}} because of the uncertainty Brexit would cause. However, almost the same number of people - 40% versus 41% - said a vote to leave would not impact their plans to buy overseas.”

There has been a rise in the level of concern according to the research, with 56% worried about the impact of Brexit on an overseas property investment. Bridge commented: “It is understandable buyers are nervous although it is unlikely anything will change immediately, even if we vote to leave the EU. Once Article 50 is triggered there will be a two-year negotiation period to establish how overseas property owners will be treated, but as non-EU nationals from the US to Russia own property throughout Europe, one can’t imagine anything too restrictive.”

If anyone is concerned about their overseas property investment, guides and useful information from leading experts will be available throughout the referendum at www.aplaceinthesun.com.


To request an interview with Andy Bridge, more information, content or images please contact:
Jay Evans, Kin Communications on +44 (0)20 7158 0000 or email jay@kincomms.com

Notes to Editors:
A Place in the Sun is the UK’s leading overseas property media brand. Starting life as a TV show that was first broadcast on Channel 4 in 2000 and has been a part of popular TV culture ever since. A magazine of the same name was launched in 2004 with the A Place in the Sun Live exhibitions following in 2005 now taking place three times a year, in Manchester (March), London (May) and Birmingham (September).
A Place in the Sun went online in 2006 and now features over 100,000 searchable properties for sale all over the world, alongside factual editorial content and including invaluable buying advice and guides.