Phobia Guru Offers Free Clown Phobia Download to Help Cope with New Remake of Stephen King Movie ‘It’

• 12% of people have coulrophobia also known as clown phobia. (According to YouGov)
• The remake of the Stephen King adaptation ‘It’ has broken records in the US on it’s opening weekend and has passed the $200m mark worldwide.
• Harley Street Hypnotherapist offers a hypnosis audio download free of charge to help people cope with increase in images of clowns.

The latest adaptation of Stephen King’s classic horror ‘It’ is already breaking records in the box office in the US on it’s opening weekend and has passed the $200m mark worldwide. The highly rated film features a clown called Pennywise and is scaring audiences across the UK. While this may simply be another horror film for most of us for the 12% across the UK with coulrophobia it represents something much more serious. There will be more images of clowns in the media over the next few weeks which can create issues from mild anxiety to full blown panic attacks.

Founder of Phobia Guru, Adam Cox, explained. “Clowns are one of those phobias that people can manage by simple avoidance. For most people with coulrophobia they can simply choose to avoid places such as the circus where clowns may be seen. With ‘It’ being such a popular film those that are afraid of clowns will see more images of clowns than normal which can cause unnecessary anxiety.”

Adam continued “Just as the film Jaws was responsible for many people developing galeophobia the original 1990 mini-series of ‘It’, featuring Tim Curry as Pennywise, was responsible for many people developing coulrophobia. It’s my belief that the popularity of {{the latest version of ‘It’ will see Pennywise create a new generation with a fear of clowns}}”.

To help deal with this anxiety Adam Cox, a Harley Street hypnotherapist that charges £195 per session, has created a hypnosis audio download specifically to help with clown phobia and is available on the site without charge.

Adam explained the reason for the free download. “As a Harley Street hypnotherapist, not everyone can afford to work with me to deal with their phobias and I wanted to help as many as possible. Most people with coulrophobia will just hope that the increase in images of clowns will go away and that ‘It’ doesn’t restart the killer clown trend that we saw last year. To help those people deal with their phobia I created the download to offer an instant way to cope with the next few weeks when clowns will undoubtedly be in the mainstream media”.

To get the free download you’ll need to visit


Notes to Editors:
Adam Cox is available for broadcast interviews, is available for radio ISDN interviews and can provide comment upon request.
Adam Cox is a fully insured clinical hypnotherapist that qualified with the LCCH, is a member of the BSCH (British Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists) and listed on the GHR (General Hypnotherapist Register). Adam has worked with celebrities and CEO’s and is often featured in the UK media.
Contact Lewis or Danielle at Kin Communications on 020 7158 0000 for more information.