Can You Answer These Tricky Classroom Questions?

Can you solve these school questions?
Can you solve these school questions?

With the first term of school coming to an end many pupils will be looking forward to the well-earned Christmas break.

School can be difficult and most children will struggle with at least one subject, teachers report that there is simply not enough time or budget to accommodate each individual learning style.

Puzzle Challenge Days founded by Gavin Ucko help take the pressure off children (and teachers) by running workshops during school hours and celebrates teamwork and different approaches to learning.

But can you answer their fiendish questions? Gavin explains why they are particularly tricky, and why they contain beneficial disciplines to master.

(Please see image attached for questions)

1) “Sequencing can be something pupils find hard to get to grips with because they have difficulty processing information and predicting the consequences of an action (if I do this, what will happen next?)”

2) “Using the clues given can you work out the answer? This activity boosts thinking skills.”

3) “A classic brainteaser, can you win the championship?”

4) “This task is difficult, visual memory is something we develop over years and most adults struggle.”

Gavin Ucko comments;

“These questions may even have adults stumped! However, when we run Puzzle Challenge Days we explore techniques and different teaching methods to help the children work in teams to conquer them. We run the days to champion collaborative learning and help {{instil a growth mindset in the pupils to prepare them for the rest of the school and working life}}”


For more information on The Happy Puzzle Company’s Puzzle Challenge Days please visit Puzzle Challange Days

For additional comment, case studies or imagery to accompany this release please contact Danielle on or Lewis Gunn on or call +44(0)207 7179696

Notes to Editor:
The Happy Puzzle Company is a leader in providing educational games, toys and puzzles to schools and other educational establishments. With specialist experience in helping children with dyslexia, dyspraxia as well as gifted and talented children seeking a greater challenge. They currently work with over 14,000 schools in the UK.

The Happy Puzzle Company also run Puzzle Challenge Days days for schools, with our experienced presenters offering a challenging but fun array of puzzles and games for children of all ages.


1) Pink
2) Wrexham, Londonderry, Motherwell, Nuneaton
3) 13 games
4) 2, back right corner, 5