Only 20% of those who try successfully give up smoking

Stop smoking this No Smoking Day
Stop smoking this No Smoking Day

•Nine million smokers in the UK
•Most common amongst men aged 25-34
•Hypnotherapy can help a person quit smoking with little to no effort

Around this time every year, smokers tell themselves that they’ll finally put down cigarettes. Some make it, but most don’t. The reality is that quitting smoking is different for every single person and there is no one quick trick to quell cravings. Quitting smoking itself is a stressful process and even though the pay off is immense, the journey can be tough.

The health benefits are well known, from improved lung capacity to a better sense of smell and taste, but what are the keys to success? {{Somewhere between 30-40% of smokers make at least one attempt to quit per year but last year, only 20% were successful in kicking the habit.}}

The emergence of E-Cigarettes has added another option to helping a person quit, but, like every other method, it does not have a 100% success rate. It’s estimated that 2.8 million Brits currently use E-Cigarettes and that number is only growing having risen from 700,000 in 2012. But this isn't as healthy as stopping outright, and as every person is different, they'll need their own combination of methods to stop smoking.

One method that is often overlooked by smokers is hypnosis. By tapping into your subconscious, a hypnotherapist can access the inner workings of your mind to reprogram your brain. Cravings for cigarettes can be managed or overridden, meaning a smoker wouldn’t need to go through the mental struggle of giving up, as their brain would be doing the work for them.

Once you quit smoking, within two to twelve weeks your blood circulation will improve, your skin will look younger and, after just 12 hours, your carbon monoxide levels will return to normal.

Addiction expert Adam Cox offers his top tips on how stop smoking this March:

For a number of years hypnotherapy has been proven to be highly affective at assisting smokers to quit permanently. In most cases just a single session is required with success rates higher than 90%.

It works by destroying the positive associations of smoking and reinforcing new associations that link to ill health and wasted money.

The mind of the smokers than has an aversion to the idea of smoking so willpower is no longer required. It requires no willpower the moment you no longer WANT to smoke.

Instead of ignoring the images on the packets start imaging that health issue being part of your future while you smoke.

Make a list of things that you want like holidays or clothes that the money you save by not smoking can be used to fund.

Find your why! What emotive reason do you have so finally give us smoking for good.

To find out more about how hypnotherapy can help you go smoke free this year, visit Addiction Experts and speak to Adam Cox


For additional comment please contact or call 020 3958 7085

Adam Cox is available for broadcast interviews, is available for radio ISDN interviews and can provide comment upon request.

Notes to Editor:
Adam Cox is a fully insured clinical hypnotherapist that qualified with the LCCH, is a member of the BSCH (British Society of Clinical Hypnotherapists) and listed on the GHR (General Hypnotherapist Register) . Adam has worked with celebrities and CEO’s and is often featured in the UK media. Visit for more information Addiction Experts