Who is the real Meghan Markle asks expert coach

Tracey Livingston
Tracey Livingston

• The Duchess’ transition into royalty has been supported by coach guidance says coaching expert.
• What we know about childbirth is often untrue, skewed and dramatised.
• Every new parent should do an audit of their life and visions

In anticipation of Meghan Markle’s baby announcement, expert coach, expecting mother and founder and director of TraceyLiv Coaching and Training Ltd, Tracey Livingston, explores the high degree of transition the Duchess of Sussex will face during the birth of her first child - while looking at the vital role coaches can play in guidance.

Having years of experience in coaching, Tracey Livingston has documented the immense changes Meghan Markle has gone through by joining the Royal family, marrying Prince Harry, becoming pregnant and continuing to defy taboos. Additionally, going through a variety of changing identities and roles including becoming a high-profile mother in a different country.

The Duchess’ handling of change and transition into becoming a royal is constantly in the public eye, and Livingston believes being able to walk through those periods successfully has required additional support. Someone to explore her inner world, help create a new awareness for her or just help Meghan take charge of her life by using thought-provoking coaching.

It’s not every day we get to experience such a high-profiled birth in this country, and when we often think about birth, Livingston notes that our knowledge about ‘birth’ is skewed, dramatised and simply untrue.

“Many people have fears, beliefs and unrealistic expectations when it comes to childbirth because of TV and old wives tales,” says Livingston. “WebMD reported only 15% of women start their labour with their water breaking, the average length of labour to delivery for a first-time mum, is 12-24 hours and women rarely have a baby in the back of a cab despite TV shows giving the impression it’s a commonplace. Many women can just feel they lose part of themselves when they become a mother.”

Livingston believes Meghan would benefit from coaching to explore herself in the public eye, and in her private life with someone she can trust, who can ask her what type of life does she want her child to live – focusing on the vision that is important to her.

Expecting in April, the same time as the Duchess of Sussex – Livingston highlights the importance of coaching and notes, “I’d ask Meghan – What parts of herself she wants to ensure she keeps while she also becomes a mother? Who is the real Meghan? Without royalty, titles, and fame – what’s Meghan really like?”

“I’d coach Meghan on the values she wants to instill on her children, being clear that our family wants to support growth, laughter, curiosity, and love. As a soon-to-be Mum, I’d coach successful women like Meghan on their priorities, asking what’s most important to them by creating a clear vision.”

Livingston believes this clear vision for motherhood and our careers is key to having a successful life, building happier marriages and better communication between partners by being ‘on the same page’.

“Every new parent should do an audit of their life and vision,” says Livingston. “Coaches would then have a very clear idea about their client’s goals, desires, dreams and what success for them looks like for them. This encourages a strong vision which will guide all of their thoughts, choices, and decisions.”

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For further information, images or a copy of the full research, please contact Thomas Gabbidon on Thomas@kincomms.com, 020 3958 7175 or Amy Boreham on Amy@kincomms.com.
Additionally, you can find out more about Tracey or her services on her website www.traceyliv.com

TraceyLiv is an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coach Federation, corporate trainer, and consultant in culture and change management. She has over 10 year’s professional experience and founded her business in 2017.