Lexacom deliver cloud-based solution for shared working

Magdalen Medical Practice has appointed Lexacom to help them improved patient care, efficiency and working arrangements. Since using the secure cloud-based server, Lexacom Connect, the practice has even been able to provide secretarial support for a neighbouring medical centre during a time of need.

Magdalen is a busy medical practice in the heart of Norwich, employing 28 members of staff and caring for a large practice population. With a keen eye on working as efficiently as possible, Magdalen was looking to change its digital dictation software for a more effective system in 2016.

Like many forward-thinking practices, Magdalen had begun looking at how they could improve services and find cost savings by working in partnership with neighbouring practices as part of the OneNorwich Alliance. As a result, high on the list of priorities when assessing digital dictation providers was mobile and multi-site working, as well as clinical system integration.

Having assessed various options, the practice opted for Lexacom 3, using the Lexacom Connect secure cloud platform.

Practice manager, Garry Mahn, said: “Lexacom was the only provider to offer us a cloud based solution. Lexacom Connect allows doctors to immediately record and process dictations on home visits using the mobile app, and gives us the flexibility to securely share our workload with other practices.”

Since installing Lexacom Connect, Magdalen has already been able to support a neighbouring practice and fellow Lexacom Connect user, during a critical secretarial shortage. With robust information governance arrangements in place, Lexacom facilitated secure sharing of dictations between the two sites, enabling Magdalen’s admin team to transcribe dictations for both practices.

“We have witnessed first-hand the advantages of sharing admin resources across practices to manage workload peaks and unexpected staff shortages.” Garry added

Use of Lexacom Mobile has also directly improved patient care and working practices. Some GPs are using the mobile app to dictate their home visit consultations and referrals whilst at the patient's home. The consultation is then typed up by a secretary within minutes ensuring records are updated swiftly. This also avoids the need for GPs to make unnecessary journeys to the practice to file notes at the end of their day.

“Above all, we find Lexacom Connect extremely easy to use and would recommend it to other practices and federations wanting to improve efficiency and take advantage of multi-site working.” Garry concluded.

Dr Andrew Whiteley, Managing Director at Lexacom commented: We are delighted to be working with Magdalen Medical Practice. Using Lexacom Connect to support shared working with other GP practices has been a good decision for them to take, particularly as it will support ongoing improvements in efficiency”.

For more information contact:
Emily Hayward
Tel: 01295 236916