This Mother's Day offer the gift of a chocolate and roses facial!

Chocolate & Roses facial | LipoTherapeia
Chocolate & Roses facial | LipoTherapeia
LipoTherapeia, Chelsea, London
LipoTherapeia, Chelsea, London

In many people's minds Mother's Day is all about flowers (roses in particular), chocolates and pampering, so what better gift to offer yourself or your mum than a Chocolate & Roses facial at Chelsea-based LipoTherapeia, London’s natural anti-ageing clinic?

Meso-CRF® Chocolate & Roses is a luxurious facial, ideal for Mother's Day. It combines the anti-ageing benefits of chocolate antioxidants, the skin tightening and lifting effects of deep tissue radiofrequency and the indulgence of deep facial muscle massage with hyaluronic acid and sumptuous Rose de Mai (Burgundy Cabbage Rose) essential oil.

{{The treatment offers instant glow and lift to face and décolletage with a combination of nature and technology, plus a touch of pampering and luxury!}}

A Meso-CRF® Chocolate & Roses facial session starts with a consultation and a cup of rose tea (rose chocolates are also offered for an extra touch of indulgence!) and followed by forty minutes of deep tissue radiofrequency treatment, applied with a formulation rich in hyaluronic acid and cocoa flavanols, the "antioxidants" in dark chocolate. The treatment ends with a deep facial massage, applied with a hyaluronic acid cream which is infused with essential oil of precious Rose de Mai.

Cocoa flavanols are renowned for their skin benefits: they have been proven by several studies to boost skin circulation, hydration, elastin and collagen, for a natural glow from within. Meso-CRF® Chocolate & Roses is totally different to the usual “chocolate facials” in that it it utilises pure 95% cocoa flavanols, not just plain cocoa extract with 0.5% of cocoa flavanols.

“We use the absolute best - and most expensive - cocoa polyphenol extract in the world, with 95% purity (as opposed to 0.5% found in cocoa and in common “chocolate facials”). That is £2,500 per kilogram of cocoa antioxidant goodness. The unique Rose De Mai essential oil is equally expensive, precious and sublime!”, LipoTherapeia’s director Georgios Tzenichristos explains.

In addition to cocoa flavanols, the formulation also contains low molecular weight hyaluronic acid for deep penetration into all skin layers (plain hyaluronic acid just stays on the surface). The hydration, skin plumping and anti-ageing benefits of hyaluronic acid are now widely known.

At the same time, LipoTherapeia’s Deep Tissue Radiofrequency™ technology boosts absorption of the cocoa flavanols and hyaluronic acid by 500% and intensively stimulates collagen and elastin production.

The deep facial massage with rose and hyaluronic acid that ends the treatment acts on the facial expression muscles to restore a fresh, relaxed expression and a plump, glowing complexion.

Radiofrequency intensity can be adjusted to very gentle for novices or for a more relaxing, pampering experience (skin feels soothingly warm during treatment and never uncomfortable). Or it can be more intensive (“but never, ever painful”, Georgios reassures), for a more impressive and long-lasting skin tightening and lifting effect.

In all cases, the treatment is non-invasive, super-safe and natural. After all radiofrequency is basically "deep skin heating" and has been used in physiotherapy and beauty for several decades). And most importantly there is no downtime - you can go back to Mother's Day lunch right after your treatment.

Treatments are exclusively offered at LipoTherapeia's luxurious new premises in Chelsea (250 Kings Road, Chelsea, SW3 5UE).

Single sessions last about an hour (£200), including consultation, and cover the entire face (including areas such as under eye, jawline, cheekbones, crows feet and forehead, for tightening, lifting and fine lines/wrinkles).

Double sessions last a bit less than two hours (£400) and cover the above areas, plus neck and décolletage (ideal for crepey skin on the neck and for fine lines and wrinkles on the décolletage area).

Courses of six sessions are also available (£960 for six single sessions and £1800 for six double sessions).


SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY OFFER, valid throughout February & March: Have a double Meso-CRF® Chocolate & Roses session (face, neck and decolletage, worth £400) for the price of a single one (only £200). Quote code 'CHOCOLATE' on the checkout or when booking over the phone.


Book online at or call 02071182014.
Email LipoTherapeia at
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