With Christmas over and New Year resolutions looming, most people are looking to popular superfood ingredients, especially turmeric, matcha tea and cocoa, to help them recover from the festive excesses.
London-based nutritionist Georgios Tzenichristos has looked into the benefits and nutrient content of each of these popular superfoods and has come to some surprising findings.
According to Georgios, each of these food ingredients have a key active molecule, responsible for the vast majority of their health benefits. Turmeric has curcumin, green tea has a molecule called EGCG while cocoa contains flavanols, all at different concentrations in relation to each other. So which super-ingredient is more “super” than the rest?
“It’s a no brainer”, Georgios comments. “If I had to choose one of those famous actives, that would be the humble green tea. A cup is easy to...