How to Make 2017 Your Best Year Yet

High-end Life Coach Michael Serwa
High-end Life Coach Michael Serwa

2017 is fast approaching and many people begin to wonder what the year will have in store for them. Life coach to some of the UK’s most successful people Michael Serwa explains how you can make 2017 your best year yet with the correct mindset.

The Mayfair-based life coach and author Michael Serwa has transformed the lives of some of the world’s highest-earning individuals. He is known for his straightforward approach in the world of personal development.

Michael Serwa explains, “{{Even if you have had a good year so far, there is always room for improvement.}} You don’t need to make one big difference to your life to improve it. You can make the new year great by making a series of small changes daily.

“You can start by setting yourself goals. It is the single most important thing you can do for your own personal development. These don’t have to be work-related goals either; they can be financial, personal and physical. To put it simply, it’s whatever you feel you want to change. If you do not have goals you are like a boat without a sail. The winds of life will blow and you’ll find yourself drifting. When you have a sail, you can catch the wind and use it to push yourself in the direction you want to go. A key tip is to chart your progress. This way you can see the changes you have made. Goals are simply dreams with deadlines.

“Stop making excuses. I love saying ‘If you really want to do something, you will find a way. If you don’t, you will find an excuse.’ If we look for an excuse to not do something we will find one. There is no reason to let something stop you doing what you love. If you have a concept that you could talk about for hours, why not put that idea into action? Break it down into smaller tasks you can do every day and soon you’ll realise the positive developments you have made in your life. Quit making excuses and do what you want to do.

“We all should be trying new things. The start of a new year is exciting. The Christmas season is over and you’ve been able to wind down and begin the year fresh. If you’ve been given a new start, then why keep doing the same actions? You must make yourself do something different. Try listening to new music, eating different food and travelling to unfamiliar destinations. It’s all about expanding your horizons and learning about yourself. This can be fun and is easier to do than you think. Think about what you can do to make your life better. Try meditation, it isn’t for everyone but it can help you become more focused, peaceful and productive.

“Stop criticising yourself. We are our own biggest critics, nobody is as harsh on us as we are on ourselves. Why do we do this? If we do this in front of others it gives them to opportunity to criticise us. The only relationship you can be 100% certain of is the one you have with yourself. You can’t have a break from yourself. By making yourself the top priority you’ll save the relationship and understand how great you are. Be kind to yourself and you’ll feel a lot better for it.

“Don’t try to be perfect. It will lead to a life of disappointment. It is impossible to be perfect in anything or for anyone. Instead you should do your best and if that isn’t enough for someone then let them not be happy with it. The happiest people are often the ones who don’t try to be perfect.”

Michael Serwa is in the process of writing his second book following the success of his first. His first book ‘From Good to Amazing: No Bullsh*t Tips for The Life You Always Wanted’ is a collection of ‘top tips’ from different areas of personal development and assists readers in changing their lifestyles for the better. This received praise from best-selling authors and entrepreneurs including Ben Harrington, Education Ambassador at Peace One Day.

Useful Links:
Michael Serwa:
Michael Serwa’s book:
Event Link:
Coaching programmes:


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Michael Serwa is a life coach living in Mayfair, London. He moved to London in 2005, travelling for 27 hours by bus because he couldn’t afford to buy a plane ticket. He has worked with over 400 men and women on a one-to-one basis and has spoken at over 250 events.

Through 10 years of personal development, Michael has eliminated all limiting beliefs.
He coaches a wide variety of individuals between the age of 20 and 60 that have a number of different professions, including:

• Architects
• Doctors
• Artists
• Lawyers
• Bankers
• Entrepreneurs
• CEOs of multi-billion pound corporations
• Musicians
• Coaches
• Property developers
• Consultants
• Senior executives
• Designers
• Traders

A variety of areas is covered by Michael, from love life, fitness and weight, to work-life balance and confidence.
He offers three, six, or twelve month coaching programmes.
Michael often introduces his clients to each other and hosts a number of social events such as dinners.
He is taking part in ‘The Coaching Movie’, the world’s first full-length coaching documentary, which is expected to release early 2017.