Leading renewable energy consultancy and service provider, Natural Power, has recruited Tim Hipkiss as Principal Environmental Consultant based in Gothenburg, Sweden.
Chris Robinson, Technical Director of Environment at Natural Power, said: “We have known Tim for several years having worked together on numerous projects. He brings an extensive and successful track record in environmental consultancy in the Nordics, and has extremely solid technical credentials. He shares our passion and commitment to renewable energy, and operates with the same philosophy of identifying solutions and being problem-solvers for our clients.”
Tim has extensive experience consulting on renewable energy and infrastructure projects, such as providing expert testimony, project advisory and due diligence, leading and carrying out ecological surveys and long-term monitoring of threatened species. He achieved his PhD in Animal Ecology from Umeå University, Sweden in 2002, and specialises in avian ecology.
Prior to beginning his consultancy career in 2013, Tim worked as a research scientist at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. He has been actively involved in a number of research projects, including using GPS transmitters to investigate the ecology and behaviour of golden eagles in relation to onshore wind development.
On joining Natural Power, Tim Hipkiss, said: “My long-term goal is to continue contributing to creating a world powered by renewable energy and ensuring that the energy transition is sustainable, enhances the environment and is not detrimental to biodiversity. Having followed and worked with Natural Power for several years, I know we share the same vision.”
As Natural Power’s Nordic portfolio has been expanding rapidly in recent years, Tim will lead on regional environmental services in the region as well as consulting in other geographies.
David Tidhar, Head of Emerging Markets at Natural Power, said: “Our international clients are often negotiating complex ecological issues on their projects, including risks to migratory soaring birds, eagles and other birds of prey. Tim’s knowledge and experience on these topics in the Nordics can help our clients in other regions gain insights on how their projects may impact sensitive species or habitats, and adapt good practices to reduce the environmental risks of their projects.”
Natural Power’s planning, permitting and environmental department brings together qualified planners with project managers and a range of technical specialists to support clients throughout their projects. Find out more here during their projects. To contact Tim directly please email timh@naturalpower.com.