The UK Small Business Big Heart Awards are Open for Entries

The Small Business Big Heart Awards 2018 are open for entries. The awards, which recognise the amazing work the UK's small businesses undertake for their communities and good causes, are now in their second year. The winner will receive £1,000 to donate to a charity of its choice.

The launch follows a successful first year in which the winner, Chevening Financial of Kent, for its on-going support for local pensioners and its active role with the events committee of EB charity DEBRA. Chevening Financial was presented with a £1,000 prize which it donated to DEBRA.

As well as being a chance to recognise the great efforts the 5.1 million strong community of small businesses in the UK makes to help the not for profit sector, the Small Business Big Heart Awards give charities the opportunity to say thank you as they can nominate those small businesses that support them.

Rufus Bazley, Marketing Director at says, “The success of Small Business Big Heart last year and our own research demonstrates the incredible good will of the small business community in the UK. {{With 72% of the UK's small businesses giving time, raising money or sharing resources with charities we’re expecting a high volume of entries}} along with some incredibly moving stories.”

The Small Business Big Heart Awards are FREE and easy to enter.

The deadline for entries is 15 December 2017.

For more information on the Small Business Big Heart Awards visit


For more information contact Ruth Stone, Orchid PR on 01483 538710 or email