South Ayrshire Council uses hfx solution to manage flexitime for over 1000 staff

Council sees reduced administration using hfx flagship system to manage working hours across diverse departments
hfx, a long established provider of workforce time management solutions, has announced that South Ayrshire Council is using its latest flexitime workforce management system. The Council replaced its previous flexitime system (also from hfx) with the latest workforce management platform, providing more features and flexibility to manage working hours. Using hfx, the Council now manages flexitime for 1250 employees across a wide-range of departments including health and social care, legal department, senior managers, trading standards, planning and environmental health services.

The staff log their working hours between the hours of 8am and 6pm using booking terminals in the main office buildings. The Council can also offer staff the option of flexitime for those working from home or in the smaller offices, as they can log in via their computers or browser on their smartphone.

Councillor Peter Henderson, South Ayrshire Council’s Portfolio Holder for Resources and Performance said the upgrade was working well, “We’re very pleased with the new system, which is adaptable, intuitive and easier to use for staff and management.

“Managers can configure controls to enable employee access to certain building and office areas at set times of the day and week using card readers.

“The system requires less input and administration and is more streamlined. It gives more control to the employee for their working hours and managers understand what they’re doing.”

Nick Whiteley, MD of hfx commented; “The latest hfx solution has been designed in close collaboration with our customers – people who know what they need from a time recording, absence planning and personnel management system. {{For South Ayrshire Council it provides an efficient system to manage staff flexitime, improving staff wellbeing}} and it enables easy integration with all other major HR systems should it be required in the future.”

How South Ayrshire is reducing the administration associated with managing working hours across diverse departments click here



About South Ayrshire Council

South Ayrshire Council serves a population of 112,000 residents. The Council is the biggest employer in the area with 5,200 employees who deliver a diverse range of services to the public.The elected members who represent the eight electoral wards, are an integral and vital part of the running of the Council. Elected members have the authority for policy decision making on all aspects of Local Government services for which South Ayrshire Council is responsible.
The current administration, elected in May 2017, is a minority led SNP administration working in partnership with the Labour Group and Independents. The current Council comprises 28 elected members – 12 Conservatives, 9 SNP, 5 Labour, and 2 Independents.

For more information please visit: SOUTH AYRSHIRE COUNCIL

About hfx

Founded over 40 years ago, hfx has a proven history of developing innovative staff time management solutions. The company introduced the concept of flexible working hours in the 1970s with its Flextime® system, and has continued as a leader in the delivery of flexible working solutions.

The latest generation of hfx solutions are cloud-based, making them quick to install, easy to provision, cost effective to run, intuitive to use which supports enthusiastic user adoption, all of which provides a fast return on investment.

hfx workforce management solutions include flexitime management, access control, time and attendance and Everyone Cloud which is integrated portal enabling anyone, anywhere to clock in and out using any device. hfx solutions are fully compatible with all mainstream HR, Payroll and Human Capital Management systems.

Based in the home counties just north of London, hfx services clients across the public and private sectors throughout the UK. High profile customers include Home Office, Merck, Bentley Motors, Adidas, The Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders (SMMT), Eaton Limited, MoD, National Farmers' Union, Hertsmere Borough Council, North Lanarkshire Council, Exeter City Council, Isle of Man Government, MoJ, Met Police, Flintshire County Council, Office for National Statistics, UK Intellectual Property Office, NHS Business Services Authority, Science and Technology Facilities Council and many more.

For more information please visit: hfx

Editors Contacts

Andreina West/Mary Phillips
PR Artistry
+44 (0) 1491 845553