Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes chooses hfx flexitime solution to manage staff working hours

Cloud-based attendance management solution provides secure way to manage flexible working
policy supporting staff work-life balance

hfx, a long established provider of workforce time management solutions, has announced that Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes (TMCP) has selected hfx’s flexitime management solution to manage staff working hours. Using the system enables staff to log in and out directly onto the system during the working day and has enabled the organisation to benefit from increased efficiencies in capturing staff hours and reducing administration time.

TMCP is using hfx’s solution to enable all staff to log in and out when they are in the office, and also to log work done out of the office and other absences, when required. The organisation has operated a flexi system for many years with normal working hours between 9am and 5pm, with flexibility at either end of the working day.

A long time user of Wintime, hfx’s established flexitime solution, TMCP was keen to upgrade to the latest staff attendance software from hfx. TMCP opted for the cloud-based solution for the practical benefits of security and disaster recovery, with everything stored off-site, with the knowledge that there is a back-up should they need it.

Martin Attfield, Assistant Chief Executive Officer, Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes said; “{{We originally looked at several solutions when choosing a flexitime solution and found that hfx best met our needs}}. This also meant that we could work with hfx when we were considering an upgrade and with their expertise we were able to import our data smoothly.”

The hfx solution is designed to integrate seamlessly with HR, Payroll and other business critical systems, whilst providing a real-time facility to calculate critical business information.
hfx helps us provide staff with flexibility around the working day. Holiday requests, time off, absence requests can all be logged directly in the system and electronically approved – it’s much faster, saves time and reduces errors. Choosing hfx has definitely been an investment to support our organisation now and in the future,” added Attfield.

Nick Whiteley, MD of hfx commented; “As with all not for profit service organisations, TMCP has to be transparent about its operations and administration costs, as well as provide the right HR infrastructure to support staff at work. hfx has a proven history of providing innovative staff management systems and the latest generation of cloud solutions provide easy to use, cost effective ways for flexitime management, access control and time and attendance for organisations both large and small.”


About TMCP

Trustees for Methodist Church Purposes (TMCP) is a small organisation, incorporated by the Methodist Church Act 1939, is to act as Custodian Trustee of all property held on Model Trusts of the Methodist Church Act 1976.
This property includes all land and buildings used for local church purposes, together with funds which support the mission of the Church in these places.

The organisation comprises a Board which is custodian of approximately 6,300 separate trusts, and it employs professional staff working in finance and legal disciplines to administer and facilitate its operations.

For more information please visit; Trustees for Methodist Church purposes

About hfx
Founded over 40 years ago, hfx has a proven history of developing innovative staff time management solutions. The company introduced the concept of flexible working hours in the 1970s with its Flextime® system, and has continued as a leader in the delivery of flexible working solutions.

The latest generation of hfx solutions are cloud-based, making them quick to install, easy to provision, cost effective to run, intuitive to use which supports enthusiastic user adoption, all of which provides a fast return on investment.

hfx workforce management solutions include flexitime management, access control, time and attendance and Everyone Cloud which is integrated portal enabling anyone, anywhere to clock in and out using any device. hfx solutions are fully compatible with all mainstream HR, Payroll and Human Capital Management systems.

Based in the home counties just north of London, hfx services clients across the public and private sectors throughout the UK. High profile customers include Home Office, Merck, Bentley Motors, Adidas, The Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders (SMMT), Eaton Limited, MoD, National Farmers' Union, Hertsmere Borough Council, North Lanarkshire Council, Exeter City Council, Isle of Man Government, MoJ, Met Police, Flintshire County Council, Office for National Statistics, UK Intellectual Property Office, NHS Business Services Authority, Science and Technology Facilities Council and many more.

For more information please visit: hfx

Editors Contacts

Andreina West/Mary Phillips
PR Artistry
+44 (0) 1491 845553