HFX announces latest version of its cloud-based SaaS Time and Attendance solution

CIPD HR Software and Recruitment Show, 13 – 14 June
Olympia, London
Stand No: B30

HFX, a leading provider of flexitime and workforce time management solutions, will be showing its latest solutions at the CIPD HR Software and Recruitment Show. New for 2018 is HFX’s cloud-based Imperago Time & Attendance (T&A), which is a powerful, flexible and cost-effective solution that is both user-friendly and extremely easy to maintain. Imperago T&A is an all-in-one SaaS package that covers software, hardware, support and maintenance on a pay as you go basis with no upfront capital outlay. Imperago T&A is ideal for companies across all vertical sectors with 200 employees and above, particularly for those with shift-based workers.

Also on show will be HFX’s market leading Imperago Flexitime Management solution which is the preferred solution throughout the public sector and local government organisations.
HFX’s latest innovation, Imperago EveryOneCloud connects people and devices at whatever location, and logs time, supporting workforce planning and Time & Attendance solutions, enabling organisations of all sizes to monitor their staff and productivity. A cloud solution, EveryOneCloud can be ready to go within minutes, with no need for servers, software installation or heavy up-front costs. It integrates with and sends data to T&A, Payroll, Student Attendance and Workforce Management solutions (including rostering & shift management).

HFX Imperago Access Control provides a ‘light touch’ approach to securing and monitoring access to workspaces that requires very little infrastructure and significantly reduces the amount of cabling required. The door controlling devices offer the option of either biometric (fingerprint) or proximity readers.
In addition, HFX will be publishing a series of Practical Guides on How to Improve Productivity which will cover everything from capturing hours worked, devising the best working patterns, meeting customer demand and coping with peaks and troughs, to improving staff engagement through providing more flexible working.

Nick Whiteley, Managing Director of HFX commented: “{{Once organisations can harness technology to view staff working hours, they have the data to investigate inefficiencies and improve productivity}}. Our series of papers on the topic of Improving Productivity, provide practical guides tackling different aspects of staff productivity in easily actionable, bite-sized chunks that focus on a quick wins, to gain buy-in and engagement from staff, management and the board.”

HFX Imperago solutions integrate with all the mainstream HR systems (including Oracle, SAP, MHR, PeopleSoft, Northgate and Software for People), enabling organisations to manage flexible working, while keeping employee data synchronised across HR and payroll systems.


About HFX

HFX cloud suite includes Imperago™ Time and Attendance, Access Control, Workforce Design, Annualised Hours and EveryOneCloud Attendance Monitoring/Location Management.

HFX Imperago solutions provide seamless integration with major HR and payroll systems. Highly customisable, HFX Imperago solutions can be configured to meet exact requirements and can support unlimited numbers of work patterns.

HFX is the leading provider of flextime™ in the UK. Installed at over 250 sites across the UK, local authorities, other public sector bodies and commercial organisations benefiting from HFX solutions include: Home Office, Merck, Methodist Church, Dartmoor National Park, adidas, Buhler Sortex Ltd, The Society of Motor Manufacturers & Traders (SMMT), Eaton Limited, MoD, National Farmers' Union, Hertsmere Borough Council, North Lanarkshire Council, Exeter City Council, Isle of Man Government, MoJ, Met Police, Flintshire County Council, Office for National Statistics, UK Intellectual Property Office, NHS Business Services Authority, Science and Technology Facilities Council.

For more information please visit: HFX

Editors Contacts

Andreina West/Mary Phillips
PR Artistry
+44 (0) 1491 845553