Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust deploys Imprivata Trust-wide after successful pilot

First of type outside of the USA Implementation delivers fast, safe and secure access to patient monitoring devices and clinical applications.

London, England– February 7, 2019—Imprivata®, the healthcare IT security company, has announced that after a successful pilot in the renal unit, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust is deploying Imprivata OneSign® Single Sign-On, Imprivata Medical Device Access, and Imprivata Authentication Management® platform across the Trust. The new solution is the first deployment of its type outside of the USA. The positive results were immediate with access to real-time data transforming the way clinicians use systems to benefit patient care.

Richard Corbridge, CIO, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, comments; “{{Imprivata has been the most important project for the clinical team. In 12 months, we have delivered a single sign-on solution across the entire trust}}. Over 4,500 staff are now using single sign-on every day and the trust has plans in place to get to its full staff capacity of 18,000 by the end of the year. For those delivering care Imprivata has been a leap in both clinical safety and efficiency that, in their words, they ‘dreamed of’.”

In addition, the Trust has implemented OneSign Password Self Service Management, allowing users to easily reset their own passwords, or be notified of their network and application passwords without delays or helpdesk intervention.

With faster access to real-time data clinical appointments are spent focusing on patient care, not grappling with technology. The solution has now been rolled out to Leeds General Infirmary and St James University Hospital will follow. Armed with real-time data, clinicians are able to make informed decisions without delays, improving patient outcomes. The regional teams are able to remotely access the system and proactively plan next steps in the patients care plan.

60 clinical applications in regular use across the trust have been profiled, providing clinicians with No Click Access® to clinical administrative applications, streamlining the process and positively impacting productivity.

Joanne Reischman, Clinic Sister, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust comments; “Imprivata solutions have allowed us to spend the length of the clinic session with the patient discussing their pathway of care, secure in the knowledge that the data we are seeing is up to date, accurate, and correctly attributed to the patient in front of us.”

Dr. Sean Kelly, Chief Medical Officer at Imprivata commented; “The pilot of Imprivata OneSign, Imprivata Medical Device Access and Imprivata Authentication Management within the renal unit at Leeds has delivered exceptional results, and provided a model for a Trust-wide implementation. As always, when introducing new technology, it is critical to plan carefully and gain the support and buy-in from the end users.

The Imprivata solution has helped to unlock the full potential of medical devices and applications by ensuring a fast, efficient workflow. As well as saving time for clinicians and care givers, the ease of use has also saved considerable time for the helpdesk as password resets can be completed easier by the user, whilst also maintaining security. A win for the Trust and patients alike.”


About Imprivata
Imprivata®, the healthcare IT security company, enables healthcare securely by establishing trust between people, technology, and information to address critical compliance and security challenges while improving productivity and the patient experience.

For more information please visit: Imprivata

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