Armour Comms launches Armour Mobile v3.0 at Cyber UK and demonstrates full Secure Chorus interoperability to live audience

Cyber UK 2019, 24 – 25 April
Scottish Event Campus, Glasgow,
Stand: B9

London, UK - Armour Communications, the leading provider of specialist, secure communications solutions, is launching the latest version of its flagship product Armour Mobile at Cyber UK 2019 – the premier annual cyber security event run by the UK’s NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre). In addition, Armour will be demonstrating full integration with Secure Chorus standards, to a live audience, with Leonardo, BAE Applied Intelligence and dstl (Defence Science and Technology Laboratory). The interactive workshop, hosted by NCSC and Secure Chorus takes place on 24 April at 14.00 and is part of Stream G.

Armour Mobile v3.0 introduces significant new features including biometric authentication (fingerprint and facial recognition), and rapid ‘auto’ provisioning of new users using secure QR codes or encrypted links within emails. There is a host of additional refinements, including sending a secure voicemail or text note when a user is unable to accept a voice or video call; accessibility options such as user-defined text sizes; and MessageBurn has added sophistication – for example, a marker to alert the user if they failed to read a secure message before it has been ‘burned’.

The demonstration of interoperability in the Secure Chorus workshop will show how Armour Mobile can connect multiple groups or communities transparently to end users, maximising the ease with which they can communicate securely across different organisations. This is particularly useful where security requirements preclude these groups from merging their IT networks and, instead, provides a novel solution to allow them to collaborate securely on joint projects.
David Holman, Director at Armour Comms commented; “{{For enterprise security to be effective it needs to be transparent to the end user. Armour Mobile v3.0 has been developed with this in mind}}, to include many new features that significantly enhance usability. The new auto-provisioning facility means that Armour Mobile can now be deployed on a large scale, quickly, with minimal overhead for IT, security and the end-user.

“Interoperability is a key criteria for a communications app, and we are delighted to be able to demonstrate how Armour Mobile is able to work across user communities, so that even where a different Key Management System (KMS) is in use, the end user only needs to know a colleague’s secure contact number to be able to communicate with them securely.”

Armour Comms’ solutions for secure communications work on everyday smartphones, tablets and Windows 10 desktops. With the same usability as consumer-grade apps, and with significantly enhanced security, Armour Mobile supports voice calls, video calls, one-to-one and group messaging, voice and video conference calls, file attachments and sent/received/read message status. Message Burn limits the lifespan of sensitive data at rest, where users can set a time at which their messages are automatically deleted (or as the name implies, ‘burn’) on the recipient’s device, for immediate action after being read, or at a given time after sending, according to confidentiality.

Using a FIPS 140-2 validated crypto core, Armour Mobile has been awarded many other certifications including CPA (Commercial Product Assurance) from the NCSC and is included in the NATO Information Assurance catalogue.

Armour Comms partners also exhibiting at Cyber UK include: BAE Systems on stand E22, Amiosec on stand E20, Leonardo on stand E15, Qinetiq on stand B2, Nine23 on stand SBH15 and Templar Executives on stand SBH7.

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About Armour Comms
Armour Communications Limited is a UK based company supplying market leading technology for secure communication via 3G, LTE (4G), 3GPP, Wi-Fi and satellite for voice, video, messaging and data on Android, iOS and Windows platforms. Armour Mobile also features in-built secure conferencing (audio or video) between multiple callers and Push to Talk capabilities designed for blue light services.

Armour Mobile is available as a Cloud or an On-Premises solution, and by using the optional Armour Connect Gateway, integration to a customer’s PBX and standard office desk phones is possible. With its focus on interoperability Armour Mobile was the first secure communications app to connect to Skype for Business using standard Cisco SIP-based technology, and Armour Desktop extends the secure mobile communications functionality of Armour Mobile and delivers it to organisations via a Windows 10 client.

Together Armour Mobile and Armour Desktop enable users inside and external to the organisation to communicate transparently within a secure and private environment, while taking advantage of the reduced costs and increased flexibility provided by Voice over IP corporate communications.

Armour solutions are FIPS, NATO and CPA approved up to OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE, with additional security layers to mitigate threats up to SECRET.

For more information please visit: Armour Comms
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Editors’ Contacts
David Holman
Armour Communications
+44 (0)20 36 37 38 01

Andreina West
PR Artistry
+44 (0) 1491 845553