Pooch & Mutt Turn Back Time With Ground Breaking Scientific Discovery

Back 2 Pup
Back 2 Pup


At some point, most dog owners will wistfully look through old puppy photos and think; “They grow up so fast”. Well, now thanks to Pooch & Mutt - they don’t have to. The ground breaking “Back 2 Pup” is the first complete food of its kind - for every one day you feed your dog Back 2 Pup, they will grow one day younger.

​​The journey to discovery began back in 2015, when the Pooch & Mutt team trekked deep into the Amazon jungle with the Chudawg tribe, as part of a team building activity. "The tribe included wolves, which were used for hunting and gathering. Over the 4 weeks we were there - we actually saw the wolves getting younger with each day and we couldn't believe it." Says Pooch & Mutt founder Guy Blaskey. "Living and working with the tribe led them to trust the team, and so they offered to share the secret of canine youth with us."

Blaskey reveals that the secret ingredient fed to the wolves is the Macameyung berry, found deep within the Amazon. "We're working on getting the berry cultivated in the UK, and this is a very exciting time". The breakthrough for the perfect Back 2 Pup formula has taken years of research. Pooch & Mutt have worked closely with Dr. Rinkel; the number one expert in anti-ageing canine nutrition. "The food has undergone extensive testing and it's very satisfying to have been a part of this discovery and witness its results." Says Rinkel.

Pooch & Mutt have denied rumours that Cher's classic hit "If I Could Turn Back Time" inspired the development of Back 2 Pup.

Back 2 Pup will be available from April 1st 2018.


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For more information, please contact lucy@poochandmutt.com