The Charitable Welsh, Money-Hungry Londoners and Unlucky Grandparents - The Truth Behind the Lottery

Original research carried out by the World Lottery Club who surveyed 1,000 people.

Think you know the lottery? Think again. Original research from the World Lottery Club finds many assumptions about playing the lottery are complete myths. The survey, which polled 1,000 people, shows the that lottery isn’t only played by your grandparents, that all people dream of one massive jackpot and that we’re not as charitable as you’d like to think.

Key insights:

= 60% of people would rather contribute to their savings than throw a lavish party if they won the lottery.
= Women (22%) are more likely to hire help if they won the lottery (men only 13%).
= Women (42%) are more likely to donate to charity if they won the lottery (men only 37%).
= People from Wales (50%) are more likely to donate money to charity if they won the lottery compared to the rest of the UK (only 28% in the East Midlands, 33% in the North East and 35% in Northern Ireland).
= Londoners are three times more likely to play the lottery once a week than their North-Eastern counterparts.
= Almost a third of 18 - 24 year olds never play the lottery.
= Over 50% of players haven’t won more than £20 in the last year.
= Players 65 and over have won less money in the last year comparatively to other age groups.
= Brits would rather have numerous smaller jackpots than one massive jackpot according to survey


Asked what they’d rather spend lottery winnings on, 60% of Brits would rather contribute to their savings than throw a lavish party. This seems a wise choice, particularly given the uncertainty of the current economic climate. Financial uncertainty is also probably the reason why only 20% of people play lottery twice a week and would rather have numerous smaller jackpots than one massive jackpot. 30% of lottery players only spend around £1 - £5 a month when playing - this comes as no surprise as half of the respondents revealed that they have only won up to £20 in the last year.


The survey found that the Welsh are more willing to donate to charity. 50% would be more likely to donate their winnings compared to the rest of the UK. It seems that the Welsh and Northern Irish are the least habitual with their lottery bets - players living in these parts of the UK are least likely to use birth dates for the lottery numbers in comparison to the rest of the UK. Surprisingly, Londoners are three times more likely to play the lottery once a week in comparison to their Northeastern counterparts. In the North East, 40% of people would rather have cheaper tickets with smaller prizes. A quarter of the Welsh respondents would rather have cheaper tickets with smaller prizes whereas those in Yorkshire would rather have numerous smaller jackpots than one massive jackpot.


The luck of the draw isn’t just an old person’s game. It seems that young people (18 - 24 year-olds) are more likely to spend their money on gambling if they won a jackpot. However, almost a third of 18 - 24 year-olds never play the lottery. Despite playing regularly, the 65 and overs have won less money in the last year comparatively to other age groups, which proves that striking lucky isn’t necessarily a waiting game. Surprisingly, 45 - 54 year-olds are more likely to invest in aggressive investments, such as stocks and shares, compared to any other age group. Good luck for the inheritance!

Men vs. Women

Nowadays, it seems interesting that 22% of women would be more likely to hire help in comparison to only 13% of men - especially when we assume men are incapable of looking after themselves! Unsurprisingly, 47% of women are more likely to donate to charity whereas only 37% of men would be as generous. Women are more likely to use lucky charms, numbers or routines when playing the lottery in comparison to men, but the stats would suggest that these rituals don’t work - as men are more likely to win greater sums on the lottery than women.

If you’d like more information or would like to see the data, please contact Matt Peake at or on +44 (0)207 242 0142.