When is the best time to buy household appliances?

Kitchen and household appliances
Kitchen and household appliances

Repair Aid London Ltd

There are plenty of household appliances we can’t really do without but there are plenty of nice luxurious extra ones as well aren’t there? You might not really need a cheese toasty maker or a blender but they make nice little extras and will probably see a lot of use wouldn’t they?

Whether you are shopping for something essential or a luxury extra the question remains when is the right time to actually buy a new appliance? Well like always there isn’t really one simple easy answer to that question. But the good news is the more answers there are the more opportunities you actually have to buy.

Some of these will be down to personal opinion and there is an element of luck involved as well, depending on what appliance you are after, but there are all still good times to buy. So, without further ado let’s look at when you should start looking for new appliances in more detail.

During Holidays

Holidays like Christmas and New Year are busy periods but these holidays are usually long periods of time and many shops will hold big sales for long stretches of time. Christmas sales, for example, will usually start in November or sometimes even in October.

During this time many shops will have sales on and you might be able to pick up a good bargain on a wide range of different household appliances. Everything from washing machines and cookers to TVs and microwaves.

The same rules apply for shopping online as well, in fact, the holidays are usually even better when it comes to getting a deal on your household appliances. Amazon alone holds plenty of sales around Christmas time including Prime Day and Cyber Monday.

Right Before A New Release

This one is a little tricky because you need to know when a new release is coming out and it won’t actually net you bigger savings on the new models but the older ones. When a new TV comes out, for example, similar but older models will usually be put on sale.

So, you can then buy these older appliances for a better price! This isn’t something that will affect all appliances but things like TVs, games consoles, toasters and the like will usually have their prices slashed when a newer model comes out.

The Last Day of The Month

Many shops but in particular electronic shops will have a quota they need to make each month. If these shops haven’t made their quota then it’s not uncommon to see them cut the price of certain products. It might not always be an appliance you need but if you are lucky you could net yourself a bargain and find a great new appliance.

Many people who move into a new property and lack most of their home appliance will wait till the end of the month to buy to save some money. If you are looking to upgrade or get some new home appliances you can follow the same principle.

September to December

Dan Peters from appliance repair network RepairAid.co.uk explains: “September to December is the best quarter when it comes to home appliances and not only because of the Christmas holiday sales mentioned earlier. During these four months, many manufacturers will release new appliances into shops which means you’ll see older models have their prices cut because shops will be trying to get rid of older stock. “

You might also be able to find some introductory deals on new models as well. So, you don’t have to just focus your search on older models because you could find a newer more modern appliance for a bargain price too.

Early May – For Fridges and Freezers

The above timeframe is the best time to buy many household appliances but it doesn’t apply to people looking to buy new fridges and freezers. These essential home kitchen appliances are usually released much earlier in the year around May time.

So, if you are looking to upgrade to a new fridge or freezer then early to mid-May is the best time to hit the shops. Older models will usually be discounted because shops will want to get rid of old stock but new models could also be discounted as well to drum up sales.

Weekday Mornings

Going to shop for new household appliances on a weekday morning won’t get you as many significant advantages as the other options on the list but there are still some benefits. A weekday morning is going to less packed when compared to afternoon shopping and the weekend.

Most people will be at work so if you can find some time to get to shops and look around you might find a deal that would otherwise be snapped up by the time you could normally get to the shops. You’ll also have more time to look around and might be able to take advantage of some early morning deals as well.

When Your Old Appliances Stops Working Properly

As you can see there are many different times to buy a new appliance for a reduced price throughout the year. This is good news for bargain hunters but remember if you have an appliance that isn’t working correctly then you should buy a replace straightaway rather than continue using it.

Let’s say your toaster is giving off an odd smell, it might still make toast without issue but the smell is a little concerning. If you clean the toaster and it still continues to make an odd smell then it is probably a sign that it is breaking down. So, rather than continuing to use it get a replacement right away.

Many people ignore small faults and continue to use appliances when they are really running the risk of a fire or accident. So, if you have an appliance that isn’t working correctly then you shouldn’t wait for a sale if you can’t really afford to and instead by a replacement as soon as possible.

Dan Peters
020 7183 6944

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