Public relations professionals can now benefit from faster access to critical media information thanks to the all-new ResponseSource Media Contacts Database launched today.
The ResponseSource Media Contacts Database has been designed from the ground-up based on close collaboration with clients to be fast, smart and accurate, with a simple but powerful new user interface which guides the user to relevant data.
The new service ensures PR professionals can identify more appropriate media opportunities in less time, allowing them to focus on developing relationships with the media and securing coverage.
Daryl Willcox, Founder and Chairman of ResponseSource, said: “We’ve taken a radical approach to the design of our media database in order to create something that really works for PR professionals, enabling them to work more effectively and efficiently. It’s completely different to any other media database.”
The ResponseSource Media Database application centres on a powerful but easy-to-use search which allows natural-language searching and suggests results as you type. All types of data – media outlet details, journalist details and forward features – are all found using this single search, making it simpler and quicker to identify and process relevant information.
The release of the software follows a project which began over two years ago by our expanded in-house research team to enhance the quality of the data to meet PR professionals’ exacting standards. This work is aided by our close relationship with the media thanks to the ResponseSource Journalist Enquiry Service which is used well over 100 times each working day by journalists in all sectors.
Willcox said: “Our approach to our media research is simple – using a combination of our dedicated team of researchers and technology we work to constantly improve the depth and quality of the data we hold. Not only does this help our PR users but of course it helps journalists too by ensuring the PR community has up-to-date and accurate information about the areas they cover. The fact that a large percentage of journalists are familiar with ResponseSource helps us to develop these relationships.”
Today sees the launch of the new ResponseSource Media Contacts Database for new customers, existing customers have had access to early versions of the software over the last two months.
Watch this for a peek at the new platform:
For more information contact:
Licia Houghton
0345 370 7777