Do kids still believe in Santa? Did you know rudolph is in fact a girl?

Santa Caught on Camera
Santa Caught on Camera

Do your kids still believe in Santa? We do!

According to Eighty-one percent of parents with kids ages 10 or under say at least one of their children thinks Santa Claus is real. Another 14 percent say their kids have outgrown the belief, while 9 percent say their kids never believed in Santa in the first place.

Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of adult respondents believe it’s OK for kids to believe in Santa, although they pick age 10 as the age at which children should learn the truth.

Just over one-fifth of parents with kids between the ages of 11 and 17 say their kids still believe in Santa Claus.

Most grownups used to believe, too

Three-quarters of the adults surveyed say they believed in Santa as a kid, up until they reached the age of 9. Refreshingly, there’s little sign of a partisan gap.

One-sixth of people have spoiled Santa for someone

Twelve percent of respondents say that they’ve told someone who believed in Santa Claus that he didn’t exist.

Julie Hill from said 'Christmas is a magical time, and keeping the spirit of Santa Claus alive is important. Our videos are a little bit of Christmas Magic!' Santa CCTV produces a unique personal home surveillance video of Santa in your own home using your own home photos.

Julie and her Husband Ben have also launched a new type of magic reindeer food for this Christmas. Based on the food fed to the reindeers in the cult 1985 classic film Santa Claus the movie staring Dudley Moore, the new food which you add water to crackles and pop and jumps! Julie Said 'We have been working on the food all year and are really excited about it. we hope we have brought two fun, magical products to help Christmas 2017 be the best ever'

On the subject of Rudolph's sex Julie Adds: Although its commonly thought Rudolph is a boy its quite likely he is in fact a she.....Only female Reindeer keep their antlers throughout the winter. By Christmas time most males have discarded their antlers and are saving their energy ready to grow a new set in the spring.

reindeer food demo:

reindeer food website:

See History of Santa Below:

The UK Father Christmas and the American Santa Claus became more and more alike over the years and are now one and the same.
Some people say that Santa lives at the North Pole. In Finland, they say that he lives in the north part of their country called Lapland.
But everyone agrees that he travels through the sky on a sledge that is pulled by reindeer, that he comes into houses down the chimney at night and places presents for the children in socks or bags by their beds, in front of the family Christmas tree, or by the fire place.

There's a Christmas Urban Legend that says that Santa's red suit was designed by Coca-Cola and that they might even 'own' Santa!
This is definitely NOT TRUE!

Long before coke had been invented, St Nicholas had worn his Bishop's red robes. During Victorian times and before that, he wore a range of colors (red, green, blue and brown fur) but red was always his favorite!

In January 1863, the magazine Harper's Weekly published the first illustration of St Nicholas/St Nick by Thomas Nast. In this he was wearing a 'Stars and Stripes' outfit! Over the next 20 years Thomas Nast continued to draw Santa every Christmas and his works were very popular indeed (he must have been very good friends with Santa to get such good access!).
This is when Santa really started to develop his big tummy and the style of red and white outfit he wears today. Nast designed Santa's look on some historical information about Santa and the poem 'A Visit from St. Nicholas'.

On January 1st 1881, Harper's Weekly published Nast's most famous image of Santa, complete with a big red belly, an arm full of toys and smoking a pipe!
This image of Santa became very popular, with more artists drawing Santa in his red and white costume from 1900 to 1930.

Santa was first used in Coke adverts in the 1920s, with Santa looking like the drawings of Thomas Nast. In 1931, the classic 'Coke Santa' was drawn by artist Haddon Sundblom. He took the idea of Nast's Santa but made him even more larger than life and jolly, replaced the pipe with a glass of Coke and created the famous Coke holding Santa!

Coca-Cola also agree that the red suit was made popular by Thomas Nast not them!

Coke has continued to use Santa in their adverts since the 1930s. In 1995 they also introduced the 'Coca-Cola Christmas truck' in the 'Holidays are coming' TV adverts. The red truck, covered with lights and with the classic 'Coke Santa' on its sides is now a famous part of recent Christmas history.

Most children receive their presents on Christmas Eve night or early Christmas morning, but in some countries they get their presents on St. Nicholas' Eve, December 5th.

St. Nicholas putting the bag of gold into a stocking is probably where the custom of having a tangerine or satsuma at the bottom of your Christmas stocking came from. If people couldn't afford gold, some golden fruit was a good replacement - and until the last 50 years these were quite unusual fruits and so still special!

The biggest Christmas stocking was 51m 35cm (168ft 5.65in) long and 21m 63cm (70ft 11.57in) wide (from the heel to the toe). It was made the volunteer emergency services organisation Pubblica Assistenza Carrara e Sezioni (Italy) in Carrara, Tuscany, Italy, on 5th January 2011. Just think how many presents you could fit in that.