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SETL supports IZNES in Banque De France CBDC Experiment

SETL logo banner over money and nodes

London based blockchain company, SETL, is supporting the IZNES consortium in the BdF experiment with CBDC. The consortium comprises IZNES, SETL, Citi, Caceis, and DXC.

The experiment will undertake subscriptions and redemptions of funds on the IZNES platform using CBDC in conjunction with the Banque de France.

Philippe Morel, SETL's CEO said "We are delighted that the consortium has been selected and for an opportunity for SETL to support IZNES in such an important experiment.”

The consortium is supported by advisors Prof. Bertrand MUNIER, known for his expertise in the financial and monetary matters, Dr. Paolo TASCA, who leads UCL’s Centre for Blockchain Technology, and Prof. Sophie SCHILLER, who is known for her expertise in business law and regulation.

“I am pleased to be advising on this important project. CBDC implies a paradigm shift that has the potential to empower monetary policy and foster economic growth. It is encouraging to see the Banque de France exploring this area. ” Said Dr. Paolo Tasca.

Notes for the Editor

SETL is dedicated to building distributed ledger technology (DLT) based solutions for financial markets, asset management, and payments. SETL's technology is proprietary, market leading, and designed specifically for regulated, high performance, low latency applications that comply with ENISA and NIST standards.

SETL is the only DLT company in continental Europe to provide technology to regulated financial market infrastructures that are active and operational: a CSD (ID2S) and a fund distribution platform (IZNES).

SETL is led by a team of financial services professionals who have deep industry knowledge and deep expertise in disruptive innovation. The services provided by SETL are global and include planning, design, regulatory approval, development and deployment of the solution. SETL's technical engineering team is backed up by expertise in financial services which allows SETL to fully manage the main non-functional aspects of a project.

SETL has a very experienced management team and board of directors chaired by Sir David Walker, former chairman of Barclays. The board of directors is also made up of Christian Noyer, former Governor of the Banque de France and Professor Philip Bond, visiting researcher from the University of Oxford.


IZNES was launched in October 2017 by six management companies (OFI Asset Management, Groupama Asset Management, Federal Finance, La Financière de l'Échiquier, La Banque Postale Asset Management, Lyxor).

The company IZNES has developed an IT platform, allowing to perform the tasks related to the centralization and maintenance of account issuing funds, as well as the receipt and transmission of orders on behalf of third parties on units or shares of funds.

Since launch, 10 billion euros of fund units have been traded on the platform.

SETL- Distributed Ledger Tech for Financial Services SETL

IZNES- The Investment and Recordkeeping Solution Using Blockchain IZNES

Banque De France MDBC Press Release Banque De France

Press contact name, address, email and phone number:
Amanda Porter

M: +1 678-770-5312
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