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‘STOP TOOL THEFT’ Westminster Rally

Press Info – 03rd June 2024

Trades United to Rally in London Against Tool Theft Epidemic

Trades United is organising a van rally in Westminster (Parliament Square) to bring attention to the widespread issue of tool theft and the resale of stolen goods. Starting from Brent Cross, tradespeople from across the UK will descend upon Parliament Square to demand stricter enforcement of existing laws and greater accountability for venues that facilitate the resale of stolen tools at car boot sales and markets.

Tradesmen and women will captivate London with a van rally, urging the government to address the inadequate enforcement of laws that jeopardise thousands of livelihoods across the UK.

The event is set for Monday 3rd June 2024, beginning at 11:00 AM, arriving to Parliament Square at 11:45-12:00 where tradespeople and their supporters will mobilise to Westminster to...

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