Why are English golf courses still closed? We spoke to 1,000 golfers across Britain

A divided demographic
A divided demographic
Britain remains ever-divided
Britain remains ever-divided

Golfing Under Lockdown: 10 times fewer middle-aged golfers back course closures

- A recent survey of 1,000 golfers across Britain found that a majority back immediate reopening of courses.
- Middle-aged golfers were far more “gung ho” about getting back on the green. A whopping 97% of golfers aged 45-60 opposed course closures. 
- Naturally, Golfers over the age of 60 were 10 times more likely to support course closures than their middle-aged counterparts.
- Surprisingly, even younger golfers backed closures almost as much as the over 60s.

What's more, currently, all golf courses are CLOSED in England & Wales. But they remain OPEN in Scotland.

I wanted to know how British Golfers feel about these differing restrictions, so I surveyed 1,000 golfers across Britain to ask them.

Here are the results:

- 79% of British golfers back immediate course reopening.
- 71% of Scots think English courses should remain closed, while just 21% of Scots want to see their own courses closed!
- Older golfers support course closures 10 times more than middle-aged golfers.
- Surprisingly, younger golfers support course closures 7 times more than middle-aged golfers.
- Almost one-in-five golfers witnessed COIVD-19 transmission risks while playing golf recently.

Scotland’s devolved parliament chose to keep Scottish courses open during the current lockdown. 79% of golfers in Scotland agreed with this approach.

But 71% of them also felt that English courses should remain closed!

Scotland imposed a strict national lockdown in Oct/Nov 2020. Many felt Scotland had gotten the virus under control much earlier and this justified the different rules around golfing now.

{{One in five golfers said they witnessed a COVID-19 transmission risk on a golf course with poor social distancing cited as the most common risk.}} This naturally brings up safety concerns, particularly when considering key golf demographics.

Touching flag poles was another common risk. Though many courses have now instructed golfers not to remove the flag pole from the hole. 

Full results and details can be found here: https://skilledgolf.com/tips/golf-course-closures/

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