Unleashing the Potentials of the MENA Region

50 MENA Leaders
50 MENA Leaders

In more ways than one, the Middle East is seen as the epicentre of many of the megatrends reshaping the world, such as renewable energy solutions, agriculture and wider adoption of sustainable and fair-trade practices.One of the region's most valuable assets is its central position in global energy supply and its geographic location between Europe, Asia, and Africa.

According to the World Bank, The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region has about 57% of the world's proven oil reserves and 41% of natural gas resources. The UAE is one of the most popular investment destinations in the MENA region. Among various advantages, the key one is its location and rapidly growing emerging industry.

The General Authority for Statistics of Saudi Arabia suggests the kingdom's non-oil economy grew an annual 6.2% during the fourth quarter of 2022, the highest level since the third quarter of 2021.

Acclaimed production company TBD Media Group has brought the MENA region's visionaries together to unleash the region's potential.

The 50 MENA Leaders campaign explores the minds and actions of industry leaders and the unique value they deliver in a diversified, competitive world. Featuring a collection of insightful documentaries, these videos will gather executives, business leaders, and entrepreneurs from across the MENA region. They will discuss how they are helping to reshape the prospect of the region and the world of tomorrow through their businesses and innovations.

Paolo Zanini, Founder and CEO at TBD Media Group says:

“The 50 MENA Leaders series is the brainchild of TBD Media Group. Our award-winning team of creatives and filmmakers are showcasing the business leaders of MENA who are leading the world in the direction we must travel together.”

Companies featured in this launch:
EcoOnline: Data-driven integrated platform safeguarding employees, industries, and the planet.

IFFCO: Sustainable value-added food products provider.

More information on the 50 MENA Leaders Campaign may be found here:
https://www.globalthoughtleaders.org/50-mena-leaders and https://gulfnews.com/50-mena-leaders

About TBD Media Group:
TBD Media Group is an international, purpose-driven media developer that helps businesses, organizations and governments tell their brand stories in a human and direct way. Learn more at https://www.tbdmediagroup.com/

Media Contact:
Supprija Sanmuganathan
Marketing Manager
TBD Media Group

Content Writer: Jocelyn Li