Online Workpaper solution for accountants in Europe and South America

Rich Neal, CEO, MyWorkpapers
Rich Neal, CEO, MyWorkpapers

DATEV eG, one of the largest German based software houses in mainland Europe and the IT service provider for tax consultants, accountants and lawyers has partnered with United
Kingdom / Australian based MyWorkpapers to license its award-winning software application
‘MyWorkpapers’ in Mainland Europe and South America.

MyWorkpapers assists the accountant to become more compliant with their work, increase productivity and communicate more effectively with their clients and other stakeholders. MyWorkpapers has evolved from its flagship award winning auditing application into a full platform for all work in the practice, with a suite of specialised workpaper packs for all types of engagements. Additional features and functionality have been added along the way to provide a cloud based paperless workpaper solution to collaborate and manage documents, workflows, tasks and queries.

"DATEV identified more than two years ago that MyWorkpapers was a cutting edge platform that accountants use in Australia and the United kingdom to do their work on. We will now be working with them to deliver the solution to our clients and accountants in Europe and South America. The new DATEV MyWorkpapers cloud platform {{will provide accounting firms with a cost effective high quality online platform}} that deals with accounting preparation requirements, and if they do audit, the complex and mandatory audit requirements," said Hans-Jürgen Hohmeier, Head of Audit Department, DATEV eG.

Richard Neal, CEO, MyWorkpapers Group, said, "We continue to evolve our platform from client feedback. Our go-to-market international strategy is to partner with market leaders, in various countries, who are in the accountancy software sector. DATEV is solution leader in Germany, and engaged in other European and South American Markets. We will work very closely with them to deliver and evolve our Cloud solution in these countries.”

To experience the future of digital accounting and auditing, visit or for more information.

Press Contact: Jane Moores, TTA Communications Ltd, 01225 580214