Non-hormonal precribed treatments for menopausal sweats and flushes

Troublesome hot flushes and night sweats can be the bane of many menopausal women’s lives. Not all women can use, or want to use, Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to ease their symptoms, so it’s important that they’re aware of the other non-hormonal medicines.

In the Spring 2019 issue of The Menopause Exchange newsletter, menopause specialist Dr Jane Woyka discusses prescribed non-hormonal treatments for flushes and sweats, including clonidine, antidepressants, gabapentin and pregabalin. She looks at how (and how well) these medicines work and whether they cause any side effects.

“Hot flushes and night sweats can be very distressing and shouldn’t be overlooked,” says Norma Goldman, founder and director of The Menopause Exchange. “If women can’t, or don’t want to, use HRT, they can discuss the pros and cons of non-hormonal medicines that can be prescribed by their GP.”

The Menopause Exchange, which was established in 1999, is completely independent and is not sponsored by any companies. It provides impartial, easily understood information to women and healthcare professionals. The Menopause Exchange quarterly newsletter contains articles written by top medical experts, such as gynaecologists, GPs, consultants, specialist menopause nurses, complementary practitioners, pharmacists, dietitians etc.

Articles in the Spring 2019 issue of The Menopause Exchange quarterly newsletter include the menopause at work, bleeding patterns at the menopause and gut bacteria balance, as well as news and Ask the Experts Q&As. This issue, we have a giveaway for subscribers to win one of three copies of Worst Case Scenario, the latest crime novel by Helen FitzGerald (published by Orenda Books). Worst Case Scenario features a menopausal main character.

The Menopause Exchange has a number of members who are happy to talk to journalists about their menopause experiences. The members are based in different parts of the UK, which may be of interest to regional publications as well as national ones. Many of the case studies are willing to provide a name and photograph, if required.

The Menopause Exchange quarterly newsletter is available via email for free. Sign up on our website, Find us on Facebook and Twitter (@MenopauseExch).

For more information, call 020 8420 7245, e-mail or write to The Menopause Exchange at PO Box 205, Bushey, Herts WD23 1ZS.


1. The Menopause Exchange was launched in June 1999.
2. Articles in previous issues of The Menopause Exchange newsletter include: A man’s guide to the menopause; Headaches and migraine at the menopause; HRT myths; Minerals at the menopause; Hair loss and hair thinning; Contraception for the over-40s; Smoking and alcohol at the menopause.
3. The founder and director of The Menopause Exchange is Norma Goldman. Norma has a pharmacy degree and a Master’s degree in health promotion. She gives talks, seminars and workshops on the menopause to employees in the workplace including hospitals, women and women’s groups, healthcare professionals, GP practices, organisations, companies and at exhibitions. Her daughter, Victoria, the editor of the newsletter, is an experienced health journalist with a BSc. degree in Biomedical Science and a Master’s degree in Science Communication.
4. The aim of The Menopause Exchange is to raise the awareness of the menopause among women, healthcare professionals, complementary practitioners, line managers, health and safety officers and anyone else who is responsible in the workplace for the wellbeing of employees.
5. All press enquiries to Norma Goldman on 020 8420 7245.