Undefeeted Retains its Title for a Second Year as Best Not-For-Profit Organisation at the SME Surrey Business Awards at Epsom Racecourse
Podiatrist and co-founder of Undefeeted Peter Allton says, “We are so grateful to have been recognised once again and being given this honour means the world to us as it enhances our credibility on a global stage. Although based in the small town of Oxted, Undefeeted has always had a global vision and it has been rewarding this year to have been approached by different countries wanting to engage our services in educating their people. 85% of diabetes-related amputations could be avoided - oh yes, and by the way there’s one happening every 20 seconds!”
Imagine what it would be like never to be able to see your footprint in the sand or feel the sea splashing around your ankles, not to be able to play in the park with your kids or grandchildren. Maybe you would miss going to work or the gentle touch of your loved...