London College of Garden Design graduates strike Gold at RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival

Hampton Court Garden
Hampton Court Garden

Two LCGD graduates have won the top awards at this year’s RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival. Out of a large number of show gardens this year Tom Simpson and Will Williams were both awarded Gold medals and Tom’s garden won the Best Construction award for Rosebank Landscaping.

The Cancer Research UK Pledge Pathway to Progress garden was designed by Tom as an immersive walk-through space for visitors and represents the progress towards finding cures for cancers. It has a striking layout with richly coloured and scented plants including some that are used in cancer treatment. This is Tom’s second Gold medal at the show.

Will Williams, current RHS Young Designer of the Year and another LCGD graduate won Gold for the main show sponsor with the Viking Cruises Lagom Garden. This is a garden to relax, entertain and have all the comforts of a contemporary garden while keeping nature in mind. The inspiration comes from the idea of ‘lagom’, which means not too much, not too little, but perfectly balanced. The garden features extensive planting including a green roof and specially commissioned insect and bird homes, furniture and garden room.

LCGD Director Andrew Fisher Tomlin said “Both gardens are stunning and especially reflect the drive and success of each designer in establishing thriving garden design businesses. {{We are immensely proud of all our graduates and it is great to see all of them succeed in a busy garden market}}.”

The designers each studied on the LCGD Garden Design Diploma program and further information on all the diplomas offered by the College and the short course programme delivered in partnership with the RHS and Kew Gardens can be found by visiting the website.

About the London College of Garden Design

The College is one of Europe’s leading specialist design colleges and offers professional level courses including the one-year Garden Design Diploma and a unique Planting Design Diploma delivered over 5 months. Both courses are taught from the College’s home in the world-famous Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew.

Short courses are offered at RBG Kew, RHS Garden Wisley and Regent’s University in central London.

In 2020 the London College of Garden Design Melbourne will open its doors in the Royal Botanic Gardens in Melbourne Australia.

For more information please contact Andrew Fisher Tomlin on 07957 855457 email