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Every June, millions of people from every part of society in both the UK and around the world take part in Loneliness Awareness Week.

Almost half of the population of the UK report feeling lonely at least some of the time, and loneliness is on the rise, with many more people in the UK feeling lonelier since the pandemic¹.

The Marmalade Trust is the only charity in the world specifically dedicated to raising awareness of loneliness. This year their annual campaign, Loneliness Awareness Week, is looking at the incredible power of micro-connections, by championing the theme: #RandomActsOfConnection.

Micro-connections are all about those small, simple interactions in life - stepping outside of your comfort zone and starting a conversation, joining a new group, smiling at someone on the street, or reconnecting with an old friend.

Taking place from 10th - 16th June, Loneliness Awareness Week encourages everyone to increase those...

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